Discussion in   General Discussions   started     8 years ago   February 20, 2016, 03:13:17 PM   by   bowl burner

what's the point then?

bowl burner
11 Posts
Topic :   what's the point then?
8 years ago  February 20, 2016, 03:13:17 PM

So, i have been playing again on this shard for about a month.  I have donated a bit here and there and have some decent gear/pets together and am enjoying all the custom content.  That being said, i just got done fighting an ancient black dragon [tyrant] for over an hour (coulda been 2, i wasn't watching the clock) and didn't get a thing for it.  I got all setup to fight it and then spent however long just whittling his life away.  While i was doing this, i got killed by a red runnin through but i persisted.  So i get him down to like sub 5k and basically from there it takes as long again to try to get him dead.  This is because of ridiculous healing and that he kept limping away so it's tricky.  Still no complaints here, i realize this is a hard monster i am fighting.  I get it to where i am doing stone circles and keeping him where i want him and he's around 3k hp when a little donator "pk" runs by.  I am using an armor ignore macro on the dragon so i don't have to keep clicking it.  my macro targets this red and he decides to come screw with me.  I had a fairy dragon out healing me so he nvr even got me killed, just my pet.  The point is, my whole day so far is for nothing at all and the reason is because of a pile of garbage in the community with 0 respect for other players.  If this were the first time i encountered this or the only player i had this happen with I wouldn't bother typing anything out but it seems to be recurring and on a shard that you can pay to get more and more and more powerful, that's a real problem imho.  I have no desire to try to catch up to these guys who think they're killers.  I just wanted to get the kill for my cloak and maybe a skull but even that was no big deal.  Yet here I am pissed off again because of another player, not the game.  I know people have the right to play however they want but I am just kind of left asking, what's the point if people here are gonna pay to get phenomenal gear and then choose to play like a holes.  I am a newer player and while i have some decent gear, nothing like a pvp setup.  I doubt i can even hit any of the guys runnin around fighting people.  There is that much gear gap and they decide to screw with me.  I mean, there are mongbats all over this game if that's all the challenge you are looking for.  So if it's not the challenge it's just that you wanna wreck my game experience as near as i can tell.  And if you are willing to pay the price of the gear you have to do that, be it in dollars or time, what's the point?  I can't hardly complete my goals in that scenario.  While it's possible, the game is siding with these troll players against me.  This sin't something that the staff needs to fix.  Al that they could do is move all quest stuff from fel or disable pvp.  I don't think either of those things is actually necessary at all.  I think that if people who sit at their computers and play this game were to not play their characters like pieces of total garbage and then say, "I'm just playing the char dude" as though they are blameless, this would be a lot more fun of a server to play on.  But to be perfectly honest, I am nearly burned out after about a month and again, because of a-hole people, not content at all.   It does say in the rules, "We all have a sense of right and wrong. Exercise it. We want you to have as much fun as you can without trampling on the fun of others. Do not cheat or exploit the rules simply because you can. Play fair even when no one is watching. Treat each other with decency at all times. Above all, show respect to the people who voluntarily staff this shard".  I think this server would be a lot more fun to play on if it weren't just dodging a holes to try to get to the content i want to access.  Great job to the staff, keep up the good work.  Not so much to the community.  Quit being such a bunch of greedy jerks and make room for other people to have a good time.  Not the entire community by any means but the ones that think every spawn is for them and even though they have 12 120s for sale they should kill a new player and jack a spawn they're 3/4 through.  I just feel like if you want to kill every other player and that's it, go play call of duty.  If you play this so you CAN kill every other player b/c you out gear them so much, you are not at all a credit to this game and are actually ruining it for other people.

730 Posts
#1 Re :   what's the point then?
8 years ago  February 22, 2016, 03:15:56 PM

  Run in a group. Some things are not ment to be soloed... and even if you can--by some means-- solo tough monsters, Fel is a place of risk. So, once again I humbly suggest running in a group and taking turns solo killing hard stuff. But don't stop there, playing UO with friends is the best, and you get more done.

  Just my two cents... good vent by the way...


114 Posts
#2 Re :   what's the point then?
8 years ago  March 07, 2016, 01:13:55 PM

Bowl burner, first off I am sorry your experience was less than ideal. However I do want to point out a few things:

Donators pay to keep the shard running. I know sometimes it seems a little unfair that they seem to be running around in top of the line gear while you are getting PK'd in felucca, but there's a few points I'd like to make here. A huge portion of our player base never donate- and out of that portion MANY after time and effort have suits comparable and even in cases better than donators. Donation is not a way to have BETTER gear. Everything that you can receive via donation can either be obtained in game or something comparable can be obtained in game. Sometimes you may find it is faster to farm gold to buy ED from players to purchase items than it is to quest for them...but I will leave that up to you. But please...do not try to shame donators. You encountered ONE individual that you felt wasn't respectful or kind and this should not color every donator (if he even was a donator)

If you feel like you are being harassed or griefed  let staff know. Unfortunately being pk'd in fel is not the definition of either. Fel is a PVP based ruleset. Your best bet...find a group as Sturger suggested for activities where you may require back up.

I hope you have better experiences in future...and please don't be discouraged. EvO has so much to offer- the best of which is a wonderful community full of people who will help you...just ask!

bowl burner
11 Posts
#3 Re :   what's the point then?
8 years ago  March 08, 2016, 08:19:36 AM

I want to be perfectly clear that I in no way was shaming donators.  I have donated a decent amount to this server b/c I know it's not really free.  Its a little upsetting to me that after this long, your response is only to the narrow part where It can be considered to be shaming donators.  I don't know if everyone has been reading it that way but that is NOT the spirit of my post in any way.  In fact I would love to see a lot more donators because I get how it works.  Just Saying, as your gear laps all the players around you, It goes a long way in 1 direction to be considerate of those players and a long way in the other to be inconsiderate.  That's the point I was trying to make.

42 Posts
#4 Re :   what's the point then?
8 years ago  March 08, 2016, 08:31:44 PM

I get what you're saying, bowl, and all i can say is that i'm not sure if you remember or not, but a while back I offered to help you, that my guild and I enjoy killing pks. the offer still stands, just pm me.

47 Posts
#5 Re :   what's the point then?
8 years ago  March 15, 2016, 11:26:11 AM

I ruined a lot of peoples day, and had a small team that we set out to ruin a lot of peoples days.

But before I could ruin peoples day, I had my day ruined many times. If you stick with it, ask for help, and get assistance with some of the great guys/gals that are all about helping you will have more fun.

Find some friends, there are plenty of people, and if you find one solid friend and you both gear properly you can 2v10 and win.

Plus there is no better shard or community so you might as well stick with it.

This is coming from one of the most universally hated players back in the day mind you. So take it with a grain of salt I guess.

591 Posts
#6 Re :   what's the point then?
8 years ago  March 15, 2016, 03:05:42 PM

First let me say, that was tough to read.. *laughs* had to use my mouse because I kept losing my place in the paragraph.

Now.. anytime you have this many people we are going to have a few "selfish self centered players", this is nothing new to UO, to gaming or even life.  It happens.  Kind of why I really try to offer many different things for players to do and why I also tend to not do events in Fel. I do not want them ruining the fun for others.   All of the staff spend a lot of time each day trying to make this a fun place for all to play, yes we have a few bad apples and if it becomes needed.. we do take care of the matter.

Our goal is very simple, to provide a fun shard for all to play on. 

116 Posts
#7 Re :   what's the point then?
8 years ago  March 16, 2016, 01:23:52 AM

I was initially hesitant to chime in here but I feel compelled... "ruin people's day"? Wait... what? What are we talking about here?

Put aside the fact that running around Fel should (and ultimately does) have its own inherent risks... other than the risk of being PKed there are literally ZERO risks to dying in this game. You suffer no stat loss, no skill loss, no item loss (insurance takes care of this) and other than the loss of a few scrolls at a champ or a chance at a Kas sword drop there is essentially nothing to lose by dying in Fel. If you get killed by a PK running around Fel or die to a mob while champing... it's essentially the same thing. Nothing happens! I truly do not understand why this comes up time and again. I don't mean to be insensitive here but seriously. If someone kills you at a champ, get back up, leech of a few mobs and hit the champ a couple times. If someone kills you while your trying to kill the Magi dragon just come back later (you have the timer now).

Don't get me wrong dying sucks, especially at the hands of another player, but I think that it would be a nice change of pace to try and focus on the positive things that Dante, Kane, Domino and the rest of the staff have done to make this shard a community and set aside the negativity and the drama that ultimately follows. Just my two cents...

- Reside

bowl burner
11 Posts
#8 Re :   what's the point then?
8 years ago  March 16, 2016, 04:36:05 AM

I'm not trying to crap on anyone here about anything.  The staff DOES do an excellent job and there is SO much to do here.  That's why I'm still playing here and still donating.  I was super frustrated when I originally posted and I feel like the reason was pretty well outlined.  I am not telling anyone to do anything here.  Basically, I think people should be aware of how their gaming is affecting other people.  If you are aware that other people are getting pissed from playing with you and you don't care, keep on.  If those people leave because they don't want to play with you (at least in part), there is a level of responsibility there.  I don't want anyone to read this and think, "screw this server".  That was also not at all the reason for my post.  This server is great and I have a great time playing here.  Still, I think there is real value in the overall message and if it changes a few people from hunting easy targets in fel for no real reason, I think the world will be a better place.  If nothing else, anyone who reads this will at least be in a position to consider some (maybe new) things.  This server is great but there ARE some bad apples.  By no means do they ruin it but I for one don't appreciate them, hence the post.  New players, keep with it.  People who posted on this thread are right and while things can be frustrating, it's well worth it to just change lanes and keep playing.

116 Posts
#9 Re :   what's the point then?
8 years ago  March 16, 2016, 10:48:50 AM

Well at the end of the day I can't imagine your gonna change people in the same way that you yourself are not going to change. Hence the reason for my post. I'm not singling you out nor is this intended for any one particular person. I assume if you feel this way there are likely others who feel similarly. I honestly believe the way you "win" is to push forward as a player and not give up.As an example several months ago there was a small group of players who were vocal about "owning Fel" and that any player who came to Fel or was caught at "thier champs" would be KoS. Ultimately they took it too far and it quickly became griefing. Those of us who have played here for a while just sat by, watched and waited and now things are back to normal. We knew it wouldn't last and it didn't. Don't let the bad apples as you call them "ruin" the game for you. This truly is a great place and the staff make the game that much more fun to play! Stick with it!

- Reside