I can't find info on this. What is Virtual Armor and what does it do?
Virtual armor is a Pre Age of Shadows method that absorbs a certain amount of damage on a player or on a pet.
Here is the code for how AoS+ shards handle damage absorbs for a player. See how there is no reference to Virtual armor? That is because AoS+ does not use virtual armor as a method of damage mitigation for players.
public virtual int AbsorbDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
double positionChance = Utility.RandomDouble();
BaseArmor armor;
if ( positionChance < 0.07 )
armor = defender.NeckArmor as BaseArmor;
else if ( positionChance < 0.14 )
armor = defender.HandArmor as BaseArmor;
else if ( positionChance < 0.28 )
armor = defender.ArmsArmor as BaseArmor;
else if ( positionChance < 0.43 )
armor = defender.HeadArmor as BaseArmor;
else if ( positionChance < 0.65 )
armor = defender.LegsArmor as BaseArmor;
armor = defender.ChestArmor as BaseArmor;
if ( armor != null )
armor.OnHit( this, damage ); // call OnHit to lose durability
if ( defender.Player || defender.Body.IsHuman )
BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;
bool blocked = false;
// Dexterity below 80 reduces the chance to parry
double chance = ( defender.Skills[SkillName.Parry].Value * 0.0030 );
if ( defender.Dex < 80 )
chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;
if ( shield != null )
blocked = defender.CheckSkill( SkillName.Parry, chance );
else if ( !(defender.Weapon is Fists) && !(defender.Weapon is BaseRanged) )
chance /= 2;
blocked = ( chance > Utility.RandomDouble() ); // Only skillcheck if wielding a shield
if ( blocked )
defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 16 );
damage = 0;
if ( shield != null )
double halfArmor = shield.ArmorRating / 2.0;
int absorbed = (int)(halfArmor + (halfArmor*Utility.RandomDouble()));
if ( absorbed < 2 )
absorbed = 2;
int wear;
if ( Type == WeaponType.Bashing )
wear = (absorbed / 2);
wear = Utility.Random( 2 );
if ( wear > 0 && shield.MaxHitPoints > 0 )
if ( shield.HitPoints >= wear )
shield.HitPoints -= wear;
wear = 0;
wear -= shield.HitPoints;
shield.HitPoints = 0;
if ( wear > 0 )
if ( shield.MaxHitPoints > wear )
shield.MaxHitPoints -= wear;
if ( shield.Parent is Mobile )
((Mobile)shield.Parent).LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3C3, 1061121 ); // Your equipment is severely damaged.
return damage;
Pets however do still receive a bonus from virtual armor IE) 75 virtual armor = 75/100 chance for damage absorb through resists/armor. Sorry if my response was a little confusing, its hard to explain in full detail