Discussion in   General Discussions   started     9 years ago   November 03, 2015, 03:12:08 PM   by   Stinky Pete

What Are You Doing With All the Junk

Stinky Pete
47 Posts
Topic :   What Are You Doing With All the Junk
9 years ago  November 03, 2015, 03:12:08 PM

So, all mobs and the few deviously drawn t-chests (Tram) that i've dug up, seem to have a lot of junk.  I am always on the lookout for artifacts and good jewelry, so I have been reluctant to use the loot bag function.  I have just been leaving all the loot on the corpse and picking through it.  I've been leaving the junk, or sometimes been putting it in my trash bag for tokens or points or whatever they are called.

What are other people doing and is there value to be had?  In the old days, I might take smeltable items or cut things up for cloth/leather, but basic resources seem cheap enough to be a disincentive to manage that on my main char. 

Thoughts?  Discussion?  What are you doing?


730 Posts
#1 Re :   What Are You Doing With All the Junk
9 years ago  November 03, 2015, 03:45:04 PM

  I imagine you are doing what everyone else is doing. Kane might have plans for future features to the age old problem of what do you do with the stuff you don't need-- aka the Junk.

  I was thinking of posting a point of veiw on the topic, so look for it to come soon.


116 Posts
#2 Re :   What Are You Doing With All the Junk
9 years ago  November 03, 2015, 04:41:47 PM

I loot almost everything off of corpses.  At least the things that go in keys, so, Potions, Reagents, Meat,Scrolls, augments, gems etc.  I make sure to have all of the decent dropped artifacts on my grab (things like Antiquity, Tactical Mask, Fortune Armor, Gloves of the Hard Worker) i also have Pickaxes and some other things because i can stuff them into my tool box.

The lootbag is wonderful, it just takes a bit of time to set up.  I need to take a day and reset my lootbag, it's gotten so long that i cant ever tell what i have autolooted and not heh.

A good rule of thumb is to turn off the things on a lootbag that you cannot sell/store in keys.  So things like Armor, Jewelry, Weapons, turn those off.  Gems are great because you can sell them to a vendor for a decent price.  and make sure you have all of the augments on your lootbag, because those arent very common and can be very valuable.

Once your lootbag is set up correctly, it makes killing and looting so much easier.  If you use steam, you can even make a macro to automatically stuff items into your keys.

116 Posts
#3 Re :   What Are You Doing With All the Junk
9 years ago  November 09, 2015, 09:04:01 AM

I've discovered that I'm a bit of an in game hoarder myself. I don't really have any place to put all the stuff (notice I hesitate to refer to it as junk) I accumulate since I haven't placed a house yet so my bank fills up pretty fast. That being said I mainly toss those extra items in the trash bag. But I also don't want to accidentally throw away anything that I might not know is valuable either as deco or worth money to other players.

So my question to you guys is this... what are some specific obscure items I might want to be on the look out to make sure I don't throw them away?

- Reside

116 Posts
#4 Re :   What Are You Doing With All the Junk
9 years ago  November 09, 2015, 09:13:34 AM


i tried to answer this question and just ended up making insanely large lists.  I've come to the realization that i am a pack rat. :P

You should at least plop down a house to put stuff in.  It's a godsend.  if you need help finding a place for one or something like that let me know.

116 Posts
#5 Re :   What Are You Doing With All the Junk
9 years ago  November 09, 2015, 11:11:12 AM


Depending on when the IDOC event takes place I may take you up on that.

- Reside