Discussion in   General Discussions   started     2 years ago   May 16, 2022, 10:41:57 AM   by   Evolution

>>>Warning to all Players<<<

1292 Posts
Topic :   >>>Warning to all Players<<<
2 years ago  May 16, 2022, 10:41:57 AM

>>>Warning to all Players<<<

The staff has been dealing with several players who have been trying to cheat several systems on this shard.  Although generally when I speak with players they get a verbal warning, but lately many players have simply ignored the rules and continued breaking them.

*There is absolutely NO AFK Fishing, no afk resource gathering period
*You may only have a MAX od 2 Accounts per person, if you have more (without staff approval)they will be deleted
*If you disrupt a staff event/auction or PK/PVP at the event you will be punished, no more warnings
*Griefing of any kind will not be tolerated

At this point the only way to stop this is to ban accts, which is very unfortunate for the shard and the players

The staff does a great job and we are lucky to have them here on UO Evolution for over 11 years.  Do not abuse the staff in any way.  We have open communication with the players and interact daily to improve the shard.  Please do not argue or fight with staff over the rules or development.  If you have a specific issue, send the info to Admin Dante

Please take the time to read the rules and pay attention to the details.  These rules are in place to protect the players and the economy


Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

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