Discussion in   General Discussions   started     9 years ago   January 15, 2016, 03:16:30 PM   by   Evolution

UOE is now interviewing for staff positions!

1290 Posts
Topic :   UOE is now interviewing for staff positions!
9 years ago  January 15, 2016, 03:16:30 PM

UO Evolution Shard is expanding their staff and is inviting members of the UO community to apply for 2 Counselor positions, a GM and an Event Coordinator

Minimum requirements:

*21+ and Must be mature
*1+ years game experience required/more is preferred
*3 months of gameplay on UO Evolution
*1 month on UO Evolution as a councelor to assess maturity, gametime, helpfulness and personality
*Demonstrate Leadership abilities
*Actively help new players get started, tours, group hunting, plan player run events
*Must be able to follow directions
*Previous GM experience is preferred
*Scripting knowledge is a plus
*Must download Teamspeak and have a microphone to communicate with staff members
*Must be available 20+ hours a week

The counselor position is given to beginner staff members who are still learning about the game itself, the basics of staffing or the particularities of our shard. Counselors have a small array of powers that they can use, they usually do smaller events, tour new players and help with easyer issues. Counselors are not to be confused with Council members, which are players.

Game Master
A game master has all the tools for building the world, making all sorts of events. This is the basic level a staffer achieves after successfully completing their Counselor period. Working knowledge XML Spawner, UOFiddler and Pandora software is required

Event Coordinator
An event coordinator plans daily events and is involved with organizing the players.  They are also responsible for Holiday Deco and themes each month. Working knowledge XML Spawner is required

Please send your name, experience and contact info to set up an appointment for an interview. 

You will need to download teamspeak before the interview

You should also read the UO evolution wiki and make an account to explore the shard.  You need to have a player's perspective before staffing

Please keep in mind, if you are a current player on the shard you will have to have your account frozen and cannot play UO Evolution Shard while you are a staff member


Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH