These are: ‘The Kane Files’
In the lands of Evolution there are many wonderful and strange things happening without your understanding. While you are softly asleep in your bed, adventuring out and about, or just beginning to ponder your day to day; there is magic afoot. It starts off simply so: a dabbling of thought, a scribble of notes, and the final touch; a vision… by: Kane. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sturger: Hello Kane, are you ready for some questions?
Kane: Hello. Yes, I am!
Sturger: I’d like to begin today with some questions about: “The Myth of Kane”
Kane: (laughs) Okay.
“The Myth of Kane”
Sturger: Like in all good stories there is at least one character, or group of characters, that stands out above the rest. With concerns to the story of Evolution Free Shard, I’d have to point out that you are one of those characters which stand out. What I find lacking, however— and I’m sure it is a likewise feeling of many— are details which describe you, the myth, in better detail. That said; how long have you been playing Ultima Online?
Kane: I have enjoyed playing ‘Ultima Online’ since the first day I played it, pretty much since the game was open to the public, back in 1997. UO is a great game still, even 20 years after the fact, just like it probably still will be 5 years from now.
Sturger: Indeed! UO has always been a great game!
Sturger: Do you remember what brought you to the Evolution shard, way back when?
Kane: I was playing Ultima on another free shard, about four years ago, and decided I had had enough of the staff’s corrupt and questionable gimmicks there. Since then I have spent two years on Evolution as a player and the rest of that time as its main content developer.
Sturger: Have you enjoyed it thus far, being the sole developer here, that is?
Kane: Yes. Ultimately I love the coding aspect. I like being able to take a vision, of my own design—which is often a restructured idea I saw floating around in global chat—and turn it into code which pushes beyond your everyday Run-UO content. Don’t get me wrong, free shard content has to start somewhere, but I dislike the idea of there being X amount of UO free shards and all of them are running pretty much the same content. I wanted more for the shard I developed. The first big difference was my idea to put out a fresh game patch each week, something unheard of even during OSI days. But here we are and it’s happening every Friday. There have been a few snags along the way, a couple hardware issues, one or two life issues, and of course several selfish people ruining the game by exploiting it. But that’s life, and nothing and no one is perfect. So, yeah I enjoy the vision and the coding process…
Sturger: I would have to agree with that last statement, especially considering how many patches you have put out, which is quiet impressive by the way. 150+ to date, correct?
Kane: That number sounds about right, though there might be a few more than that, but I’ve lost count a long time ago.
Sturger: (smirks) Kane, if you don’t mind me asking, how many years of coding experience do you have under your belt?
Kane: I started learning basic computer code right after I retired from the army in 1991. I believe that’s about 25 years of computer coding Evolution, if you see what I did there.
Sturger: Yes (roles eyes with a smile as he shakes his head) I did.
Sturger: As I mentioned before, you have done, about 150+small— and large— Evolution game patches; if you had to pick one thing, which you’ve added/created, from that list. What would be your favorite— by: Kane— addition to the shard, and why?
Kane: That is a good question. I’d have to choose the new pet trait system— as it stands thus far created— for my favorite (by: Kane) addition. Spoiler alert though, the pet trait system is not complete. There is more to come, so keep an eye out in future patches for all your taming extra’s.
Sturger: Exciting news to be sure, is there a why?
Kane: Simple. I want players to expect better, and to dream of limitless bounds when they play here. Again, like I mentioned before, I dislike the same old thing, day in day out. The new pet trait system, the new merchant contract system, and the new dungeon “The Tomb of Vecna”— we are about to launch in October— are all at a higher measure of that limitless boundary of better I’m speaking of. When new players come here—or an old veteran returns—they will see that we have moved beyond the boundaries of yesterday and that is what will make Evolution different from other shards. Do I think it makes us a better free shard than others; who knows. What matters to me is that Evolution is evolving into something unlike the rest.
Sturger: Moving on, if asked to choose between the following game play styles: player verses monster, player versus player, or house decorating… which style would you choose as your current favorite? Why?
Kane: I would have to choose player versus monster because, in my opinion, player versus player is dead—due to all the combat related scripts out there—and because I am not very good at house decorating. True story, when Dante asked me to join the team to develop shard content I told him we were going to need someone to cover the decorating aspects of UO. Lucky for all of us— staff and players alike— Domino has stepped into that role, and is doing an awesome job providing the shard with both new décor and fun new quests to indulge in.
Sturger: A vast majority of others use it in general chat, and I myself have pondered its true meaning often enough. So, we were all wondering, can you provide us with a basic understanding of what it means to be ‘Kane’n’ized’?
Kane: In simple terms ‘Kane’n’ized’ is one part randomness and two parts unexpected. Often times the coined phrase—Kane’n’ized—is me sticking to the vision in my head and coding new content accordingly. From [A] to [Z] if I plan to code something a certain way I stick to that vision. Examples might be random loot determined by which way you are facing when you loot the corpse box. Or imagine a grand list of 40 possibilities. Now, randomly, pick 10 items off of that list and paste them all into a 1 hour window of time. This is a Kane’n’ized loot table, and once that time limit is up the whole process begins anew.
[Formula: start with a base of 40, pick 10 items from the list randomly, allows these choices to be possibilities for loot for about an hour, then once the time limit has expired rinse and repeat]Sturger: Woah! This might be the first Q & A to ever include formulas… (nerds!)
Sturger: Truthfully now, (laughs) do you like hearing player character death throes?
Kane: (laughs) No, but the player base seems to enjoy the sounds made by their character’s death. Every time I have need of players to test out dangerous new content, with the possibility of death, I only have to ask once for volunteers. Each request manages to net me about 50 to 60+ potential casualties. Dying is another piece to the UO equation of fun. Eventually everyone is going to have their first— or one hundredth— death; it makes staying alive that much more of an enjoyable challenge in tough areas.
--Sturger Quotable-- And now for a break, but first a word from our sponsors. This Q & A is brought to you by: ’General Discussion’
Sturger: We talked a little bit about the changes to the Rock dungeon, prior to this official Q & A session. You called it the ‘Tomb of Vecna’ as I recall and I must admit it was exciting news. In that informative conversation you mentioned two things which I wanted to highlight for our readers in more detail.
Sturger: The first highlight I wanted to touch base on was about areas attuned to a player’s skill level. Does this mean there will be an area for beginners, and an area for veterans, within the Tomb of Vecna?
Kane: Yes. But it will be less restrictive then that sounds. Remove the idea of room [C] being for less experienced players to delve through, and room [D] for the more experienced players to conquer by the skin of their teeth. Instead the areas inside of “The Tomb of Vecna” are set up to be taken on as a progressive challenge. When any player is ready to move further into the dungeon they are encouraged to do so, but be prepared to be tested often— and be up to the tombs many challenges— along the way. Otherwise you might find your journey hindered until you can overcome that obstacle which slows down your progress towards completion, and potential loot. I mentioned loot right?!? (laughs evil like)
Sturger: Ha-ha. Yes you did mention loot would be inside somewhere, (looks nervous) but I only have one clean death robe left in my closet.
Sturger: As a follow up question, will the two areas be linked in progression. I.E. the beginner area must be completed by a veteran before they can go on to the area designed to challenge their acquired skill/gear set?
Kane: No. The idea is for the players to be able to go at their own pace and have fun doing so. See a door, open it; a magic portal, jump right in; a dangerous looking creature, best it along the way. Seek and discover what lies within “The Tomb of Vecna,” and what your character is capable of doing once unleashed inside. Meet the challenges which I have provided and along the way discover the rich rewards that Kaz and Vecna have discarded/died clutching in hand.
Sturger: The second highlight I wanted to mention was about what you called an ‘Instant Dungeon’; can you explain to the reader what exactly you are coding here?
Kane: Instant dungeons are dungeons that are unique in their: design, monster/loot selection, and replay ability. Currently, these dungeons are designed for the solo adventurer who is looking for something beyond the current selection of static dungeons to adventure in. First let’s understand that each time a player enters this type of dungeon—which I will refer to as dungeon X— they will find themselves alone. (No group/party mode feature, yet) Should someone else enter dungeon X they will be inside their own version, of “The Tomb of Vecna,” which has been randomly created from scratch. Next, we add Kane’n’ized monsters & loot tables, before closing all the doors, double checking their locks, and adding Domino’s decorations. Finally, after completing your first 'Instant Dungeon’, you realize you can go again. However, once back inside you realize everything is out of place or just plain wrong. Where once there were skeletons you now find a giant black dragon gnawing on some yellowed bones. A narrow passage leading to a locked door has now turned into a dead end. And wait just a minute is Lord Vecna wearing a tiara, with matching earrings, this time through… You never know what you might find within, but you can always take another peak, if you're so inclined to.
Sturger: Amazing news! However, what about dungeons for players, with accounts, just above 21 days old?
Kane: ‘The Tomb of Vecna’ is the key to answering that question. It will be the foundation for creating many more fun filled ‘Instant Dungeons’ to come in future patches. The tomb itself has an ultimate end goal, which a player must decide on before entry is allowed. Players must choose to be a follower of Kaz or a follower of Vecna. After this choice is made players start the long journey of leveling up the hand, or the eye, of Vecna artifact. The potential power of these finished artifacts depends on what kinds of creatures were slain during the leveling up process. Veteran players will likely have stronger versions of these artifacts when they are finally completed, but this fact suits their needs in gear/item advancement. Fret not, however, if you are not among the paragon veteran elite, the less experienced/poorer equipped players will find their way to artifact completion as well, and be rewarded grandly. Though, the reward might not be as powerful an artifact granted to the paragon veteran, it will certainly suit the needs of an up and coming champion of the realm. Simply put, kill what you can to complete the tasks involved, and be rewarded according to the difficulty of what befell during that epic journey.