Discussion in   General Discussions   started     8 years ago   July 29, 2016, 07:46:18 PM   by   Smilingdeath

Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!

275 Posts
Topic :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  July 29, 2016, 07:46:18 PM

Simple topic to discuss for the players that makes gut be able to help Domino out a bit or give her ideas for more quests.

If you have an idea on what to do to for a key quest post it here.

Anything from simple to complex, strange to normal.  The more ideas the better.

13 Posts
#1 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  July 30, 2016, 03:23:09 AM

High Seas content. May not be Unique or Super awesoome but Smooth movement on baots (if we don't already have that) and also big new boats with some unique fishing skills would be boss.

Just my two cents.

275 Posts
#2 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  July 30, 2016, 03:30:45 AM

High Seas content. May not be Unique or Super awesoome but Smooth movement on baots (if we don't already have that) and also big new boats with some unique fishing skills would be boss.

Just my two cents.

Ideas for storage key quests man!  Ideas for her to use when designing a quest, so the players can earn a key instead of either donating for it or buying it from a vendor stone.

1290 Posts
#3 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  July 30, 2016, 10:52:26 AM

Make players use their cooking skills to make "pies" or whatever top baking items as the currency to buy/quest for the key

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275 Posts
#4 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  July 30, 2016, 01:34:16 PM

Running with the cooking key idea a bit, could require certain ingredients that are currently in game and dropped as loot (such as pixie legs, Ki Riin brains, unicorn ribs).  It could be an item that is levelled up similar to the Sash of the Pit, but only by adding food that is cooked to it similar to the Belt of Tokuno Seals.

Perhaps hunting quests to gather specific ingredients from certain creatures, rump roast of a dragon, frog legs, alligator tails, wisp essence, ice elemental flakes, etc could be created for specific ingredients to make the items for a turn in.

275 Posts
#5 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  August 01, 2016, 04:34:13 AM

Treasure Hunter Storage.

This is an interesting storage key, as it hold SOS and TMaps, lock picks and shovels.

Perhaps require special TMaps and SOS to be discovered, from looting special theme based TMaps and SOS, that have a random chance to be inside the chest while doing a themed TMap.  The chance for this would increase as the difficulty of the TMap increases. It would require the entire chest to be emptied, before it had a chance to appear.  It would require the Special TMap from each level of Normal Themed TMap.  The special SOS would only appear inside of the Pirate themed TMaps, instead of a Special TMap.

These special TMaps and SOS would be required as a turn in item, for the quest.  Each special TMap and SOS would have a chance to drop another required item for a turn in.

This might be possible to create the locations for these in areas that do not currently have a TMAP system in place, such as Tokuno, Ilshnir, and Malas or areas of Tramel and Felucca that do not have TMaps associated with them.  Areas such as Ice Island and areas between sections that have TMaps in the current system.

Which could be constructed as themed maps for that area, such as Malas being an undead or desert themes, Ilshnir as a dinosaur (no velociraptor from Jurasic Park) theme, and Tokuno could be anything from Serpentine Dragons, Hyru, Ki Riin, Sohi, Yamabushi, (no Samurai please), etc.

As for the special SOS, perhaps this would allow Kane to bring in creatures from the High Seas expansion to be used much like a dungeon boss, but it only has a chance to appear after all the other creatures are destroyed.  Some recoding of the sea creatures would be necessary to prevent them from swimming away and becoming lost.  Perhaps a leash mechanic, such that the creature is required to stay within a certain radius of the initial location of the Special SOS.

Hope this gives people other ideas, to hopefully give Domino and Kane even more ideas on things that can be done for the quests for storage keys.

2 Posts
#6 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  August 12, 2016, 04:17:36 AM

why not just keep the simple concept of having key quest NPC of what ever craft you are wanting it for (i.e. lumberjacker (wood storage) smith ( ingot key )) and you have to go find the materials required to make the key.. Then you have to imbue it to make it magical kind of like a bag of holding so that opens up the 2nd part of the quest.

You could do every crafting type plus add in new ones which would still be based off the crafting types already available.. like u can make a dressing key that hold an entire outfit so we can set a macro to quickly change our outfits from crafting, fighting, pvp, ect... instead of taking up extra space per piece of item. To easily start the quest you would go to a carp then a tailor to gather the pieces so you can make it, then do a imbuing quest to hold all the items which would be gathering and talking to more people and finally ending up with the final result of key.. you could use it for any key in the game and you can always change up the imbuing process so it wouldnt be the exact same step..

730 Posts
#7 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  August 13, 2016, 05:46:19 PM

 A progressive chain quest might be ideal here.

  Build a system that will progress from low level monsters all the way to the high level ones.

    Chain Quest:

  Part 1 = Gather materials from weak creatures and the lands around you. Then bring them to Bob the uncharged Key ring maker.

  Part 2 = Choose a proxy  [such as: fletching, blacksmithing, tool holder, ECT]. Gather more materials from stronger creatures and the lands above and below. Then bring them to the correct Proxy NPC crafter. I.E. Belinda the Mage Key binder.

  Part 3 = Gather materials from epic creatures in order to charge the bound key ring, making it a 'True' mage key.

  Part 4 = Choose to sell [quest reward] for a profit or use for personal use.

   In this chain you can see different levels of ability requirements to complete the quests. This range allows the newbies to craft all the easy parts of the chain quest. Following up this course of action, the moderate players pick up where the newbies left off and build upon their beginning works, while distinguishing what the finished product will be. Lastly the veteran elite slay the challenging beast needed to complete the item, and make it true and whole.

  In this way no one is left out. Those with patience will progress and be able to craft the item from start to finish. The rest will sell what they can make and use the profits to buy what they wanted in the end.

  There are about 24+ keys that I know of and 500-600 active accounts online at the moment. This idea might just build on EVO's lacking player economy.

   Just my two cents...


275 Posts
#8 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  August 14, 2016, 03:21:24 AM

Now I like your idea, Sturger.
[/size]One reason I enjoy reading the ideas of other players is they help me generate my own ideas, which hopefully will allow someone else to generate even more ideas.

[/size]This could be expanded more, perhaps a method to introduce the basic keys that most players use on a regular basis and to allow a key to be upgraded to a more advanced version.
[/size]Use the Evolution Key as a base, then complete the quests for a tool box, that then replaces the Evolution Key. (Beginning level players).  Use tool box as a base to complete the quests for a Runic Tool Box, as an example.
[/size]Beginning players could then start selling the completed basic keys to the more advanced players for them to complete, and then sell those to the yet more advanced players to complete and have the very advanced keys.
[/size]This would insure there was always a decent supply of at least the basic keys on the market.  Perhaps the key could have a deed placed upon it after completion of that quest series that would either flag it for further upgrade or to finalise it as a working key.  The deed would very in price with the lowest cost being a key that is a working key and the deed to flag it for further upgrades by way of more advanced quests would be more expensive as more and more upgrades in the form of completed quests. 
[/size]Start at 10,000 gold for a basic completion deed.  Start at 100,000 gold for the deed to continue its upgrade process. This would introduce a valuable gold sink into the game to lower the sometimes staggering amount of gold some players are able to gather after several years of continued playing.
[/size]This could be used to generate specific combinations of quests to create a specific key.  Or it could be used to make very specific keys that only store the items for the key quests that have been completed.  As an example Key A, has been used to only complete the evo, tool box, runic tool box, and reagent quests; so it would only be able to hold the items those keys would normally be able to store.
[/size]This could be then be used to generate a Master Key once all of the various key quests that a Master Key contains. As each completed deed would place a tag on the key being upgraded and allow a player to see what key quests have and have not been completed towards the crafting of the Master Key.

275 Posts
#9 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  August 17, 2016, 10:43:40 PM

Adventure's Boot Quest ideas.

Through out the Lands of Britain, Tokuno, Ilishnear, etc.  There have been rumours of a Magical Adventure's Boot.  There have been rumours that they have been laying forgotten in various dungeons across the realm.  Laying upon the feet of mouldering corpses in forgotten passages, relics of a forgotten past age.

They have been said to have graced to feet of various adventures both fair and foul.  Their very names lost in the history of the world.

Perhaps a quest could be made for the rediscovery of these lost boots.

Search the dungeons, dark and deep, through tunnels long forgotten, underground rivers and pools.

These could be discovered hidden in various ways, perhaps in an Special SOS fished up from the bottom of an underground lake, mired in the middle of a swamp surrounded by quicksand and carnivorous plants, under the remains of an ancient cave in that buried their previous wearer.

Various skills could be used to find them.  Fishing, forensic evaluation, tracking, perhaps a new skill called Bardic Lore (history and legends type skill that can be raised only by finding and studying ancient tomes and artefacts).

275 Posts
#10 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  August 18, 2016, 01:52:18 AM

Three Finger Jake's Gold Pan Key Quest. 

The search for the missing fingers...

A few ideas come to find mind.
A tale similar to that of Captain James Hook, find the crocodile that bit off his fingers while he was out gold panning one day.  Can only be found on the coast of a swamp or in a swamp that has a gold panning spot.

Or catch the two (unless he lost three finger, then make it three fish) fish that bit them off, one in Felucca and one in Tramel.  He has been fishing and gold panning for him for years, and convert Moby Dick into a fresh water monster of a fish that attacks unsuspecting gold planners.  Any skill in fishing has a chance to summon the beast as it is attracted to the flashing and dipping of the gold pan, but only within certain areas of Tram and Fel.  This might be able to be set so that it uses a spanner that changes to a random piece of coast line that changes every day.  Could use 5-10 different spawners per facet.

Perhaps you have to gold pan in various dungeons, to retrieve some special nuggets that he lost after he lost his fingers.  The special nuggets have now been scattered from the original location as monsters and aquatic animals have found them over the years.  They have been traded, stolen, lost, etc by everyone and everything that has found them up till now. As they did not have a special bag that would hold them and their magical ability to find a way to escape the one holding them after a time.  Allow a tailor to make a special bag that will hold just these items, require an unused crafting material to make them.

275 Posts
#11 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  August 18, 2016, 04:36:42 PM

Fishing Bucket Quest.

I would recommend changing the name of the Key for starters.  Fishing Creel might be a better name.  There could be some craft able item recipes added to the game for this as well.  Carpenters could create fishing lures and tinkers could create the hooks and spinner bait.  Perhaps a levelable fishing pole, with bonuses towards certain types of fishing or SOS maps.

To gain this item, perhaps a player must catch Trophy fish for each dungeon that has water that can be fished in?  From each facet of the game world.  Defeat certain aquatic based enemies for the pieces needed to craft the key. 

Defeat certain aquatic menaces with the fishing pole equipped!  But only after gathering the pieces for the recrafted fishing pole of monster fish catching.

Send the player on a quest to find specific bait from monsters in various dungeons and various facets of the world.  Gather reeds from a specific swamp monster as they are more resilient than any place else.

730 Posts
#12 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  August 19, 2016, 03:15:13 PM

@ smilingdeath

  I dig your Fishing Reel idea. Its what we need... something simple, yet it starts a long journey of fun.


 P.S. +1  8)

Mandy Bear
58 Posts
#13 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  August 26, 2016, 10:17:23 PM

Make players use their cooking skills to make "pies" or whatever top baking items as the currency to buy/quest for the key

Yes!  What a great idea to get the Chef's Storage! 

(I removed my suggestion to have meat added to the chef's storage key because I found out there's a key for meats exclusively called the "Meat Hook").

114 Posts
#14 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  August 28, 2016, 08:42:11 AM

I like the boot one (adventurers key) and got a great idea for the treasure hunters key from this...I will keep reading :)

Thanks guys

730 Posts
#15 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  August 29, 2016, 04:01:56 PM

 Can the new Adventurer's boot hold rune stones? For this alone I would do the quest, even though my old pair does not hold rune stones.

  My two cents.



275 Posts
#16 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  October 29, 2016, 01:37:26 AM

Since we have a lot of newer players joining the server, I decided to bump this to the top of the list.

Maybe a new player could come up with a great idea for a key quest.  If anyone thinks of an idea feel free to post it.  Domino does read this now and again, so it might help.

Mandy Bear
58 Posts
#17 Re :   Tell Domino your ideas for Key Quests!
8 years ago  November 21, 2016, 07:54:19 AM

Quest for Meat Hook Storage:
The Butcher in Britain can give the quest. He has us gather different types of meat, (some suggestions: "lamb chops", "dragon ribs", "chicken eggs", "demon liver", "gargoyle wings", "bear steak"), to turn in to the Butcher to complete the quest.

This key is no longer available but I would like to see it brought back.  It's doubly useful for the cooking skill since the Chef's Storage Key does not hold meats of any kind.