Hello all:) In my considerations for an "end game" set of armor, I wanted to avoid over-capping due to redundancy. I believe the wiki to be in error, but need to know what the overall caps are with items for hci (hit chance increase) dci (damage chance increase) fc ( faster casting) fcr faster cast recovery, and how eval int. relates to spell damage increase. ie. +1 eval = +10 spell damage increase?
Also how does swordsmanship play into damage increase? ie. +1 swords = +10 damage increase?
I'm pretty sure reflect Physical damage is capped at 105, but a lot of people may not know that even though you hit 105, you still take damage, but you are returning damage to your opponent at a higher rate the higher the number.
SSI swing speed increase at 100% still will only allow you a 1.25s swing rate, but was confused when I looted "Child of Pain" which had a swing rate of .09. ?
Lastly, any caps on hit point increase, man and stamina?