Discussion in   General Discussions   started     8 years ago   June 23, 2016, 09:16:05 PM   by   Harper

Some Questions + Some Keen Observations

53 Posts
Topic :   Some Questions + Some Keen Observations
8 years ago  June 23, 2016, 09:16:05 PM

So I've been blessed to be playing here on Evo for seven months now + there are some things I've seen in-game that I still don't understand. I'd say they're all pretty non-vital but I hate unsolved mysteries so I figured I'd ask and see if anyone knows more about them.

1) What are all the Half-Orc/Half-Drow/etc red NPCs about? I can tell that they serve no current purpose but were they part of an old quest line/up-and-coming quest/abandoned project?

2) What are all the enormous weirdly designed GM-built castles about? Again, I can tell that they serve no current purpose. In general I like the absurdity of doors that don't open and stairways that go nowhere, except for the fact that in the one castle the room containing David Bowey(sic) the Goblin King is completely inaccessible.

3) Why are a number of buildings in a number of cities shown as owned by "Nobody" and unable to be entered?

4) Does anyone know (not speculate) about plans to restore Ter Mur/Stygian Abyss content like bosses (Crimson Dragon, Medusa), quests, mini-champs, Underworld? I know people usually say ask staff in TS but I haven't used it since I began playing here + probably won't anytime soon.

5) So... lets say you carve a monster for hides and the hides + loot exceeds the normal container weight limit. You manually pick up (not [grab) the hides and try to drop them into your backpack. The system tell you that you can't hold that much weight but the hides don't go back to the corpse because it can't hold that much weight either. So they just disappear. Where do they go? Are they shunted into the fourth dimension?

I don't really expect anyone except staff to know the answer to that but I thought it was funny enough to share. I waste a lot of time trying silly things in-game.. Here are some other things that might surprise you.

Have you ever double-clicked the Head of Sauron (quest item)?
Have you ever used a Wand of Paragoning on an Ancestral monster?
Have you ever tried to snoop a red NPC's backpack?

47 Posts
#1 Re :   Some Questions + Some Keen Observations
8 years ago  June 23, 2016, 11:20:43 PM

Forbidden questions are forbidden.

53 Posts
#2 Re :   Some Questions + Some Keen Observations
8 years ago  June 24, 2016, 01:37:39 AM

Forbidden questions are forbidden.

I +Karma'd you. Griefing is forbidden too but with -115 I'm guessing it happened anyway.

204 Posts
#3 Re :   Some Questions + Some Keen Observations
8 years ago  June 24, 2016, 07:08:29 AM

1. Unsure, but if your speaking of anything in the sanctuary area, its just part of its 'theme', may have been part of the original sanctuary questline, but deactivated, unsure.

2. I was once told by Dante or Kane, that it was part of EVOs framework, when created.
3. Dante & Expo are real estate hoarders (LOL) & held all the properties. The ones in cities were mainly Expo, unsure why they arent showing it anymore.  I think I remember Kane mentioning working on housing being made available within cities, but Kane gets busy with more pressing issues/projects & this was probably shelved.
4. Long ago,  Kane said, when he turns it on, something within the code keeps shutting it off. Recently, Domino says its active, just running very very slow.
5. No clue.

LOL, no, I havent, but Ill have to remember to do so. *giggles*

Yes, Warboss can be a troll, but when I read his post, I LOLed.

275 Posts
#4 Re :   Some Questions + Some Keen Observations
8 years ago  June 24, 2016, 02:44:24 PM

For question 5.

If you skin and creature and the weight is to much for your character to carry the hide/cut leather enter a transient state.  If you use a tailor storage key, it collects those hides and stores them. 

I am thinking of redoing my skinning macro to have it activate the key, store the hides and then close the key.

53 Posts
#5 Re :   Some Questions + Some Keen Observations
8 years ago  June 24, 2016, 10:27:27 PM

1. Unsure, but if your speaking of anything in the sanctuary area, its just part of its 'theme', may have been part of the original sanctuary questline, but deactivated, unsure.

2. I was once told by Dante or Kane, that it was part of EVOs framework, when created.
3. Dante & Expo are real estate hoarders (LOL) & held all the properties. The ones in cities were mainly Expo, unsure why they arent showing it anymore.  I think I remember Kane mentioning working on housing being made available within cities, but Kane gets busy with more pressing issues/projects & this was probably shelved.
4. Long ago,  Kane said, when he turns it on, something within the code keeps shutting it off. Recently, Domino says its active, just running very very slow.
5. No clue.

LOL, no, I havent, but Ill have to remember to do so. *giggles*

Yes, Warboss can be a troll, but when I read his post, I LOLed.

Thank you for taking the time to write that long reply Sagemoon! I appreciate your insight! I'll have to reply to some of your replies one by one :)

1) The red Half-Goblin/Orc/Drow/whatever NPCs I was referring to are in different locations around Ilshenar. Off the top of my head, I know there are different tribes outside the Ratman camp north of the Mushroom Cave, outside of the Rock Dungeon entrance, outside the desert Gypsy camp far south of the shrine of Compassion, and all around the Lizardman village on the north end of Nox Tereg, the huge Ilshenar swamp.

3) With the eight house limit (which I'm already at) I don't think I'd personally rent any in-town houses but in my experience its been a popular feature with players on other servers that offered it. Thanks for the info!

4) I've visited all the Ter Mur hotspots I mentioned repeatedly and as far as I can tell, they're inactive. Some have lesser/basic spawn but never produce a boss. The goblin mini-champ has [Reowned] goblins (which is supposed to read [Renowned] and never ceases to make me laugh) but they don't drop anything other than garbage loot. The Underworld is accessible but the content worth going there for isn't active. There are a lot of older forum posts about it, nothing recent though.

And lol... that wasn't a dig @ Warboss, I thought he had been the victim of grief. The few times we've spoken in-game he's come across as a very polite, intelligent man. He never posted the thank you he said he would in my Provocation Help thread but in his defense, neither did anyone else who made use of it.

53 Posts
#6 Re :   Some Questions + Some Keen Observations
8 years ago  June 24, 2016, 10:37:18 PM

For question 5.

If you skin and creature and the weight is to much for your character to carry the hide/cut leather enter a transient state.  If you use a tailor storage key, it collects those hides and stores them. 

I am thinking of redoing my skinning macro to have it activate the key, store the hides and then close the key.

I appreciate the feedback but I think maybe you misunderstood me. Normally I cut up corpses and use [grab to collect everything, which moves it to the loot bag and temporarily allows us to exceed the normal weight limit. Then I use a few quick macros to sort hides, gems, and reagents to their respective keys, just as you suggested.

I was just playing around with this... obviously there's no reason to manually pick up a huge pile of hides and try to drop it in my pack when I know it's too heavy... but I wanted to see what would happen if I did. And what happens is they disappear. But WHERE DO THEY GO?!

730 Posts
#7 Re :   Some Questions + Some Keen Observations
8 years ago  June 25, 2016, 02:08:23 PM

  5. I believe they get deleted. I know that when I tried to put 1000 demon bones into a corpse box, all of those bones disappeared similar to your lost hides.

  This might be something Kane can look into, so that it might be changed to dropping the pile of heavy objects at your feet.



204 Posts
#8 Re :   Some Questions + Some Keen Observations
8 years ago  June 26, 2016, 04:21:06 PM

Oh, I have no personal feelings about WARBOSS (Other then, when I read his name, Im yelling in in mey head*chuckles*). I think hes funny at times & insightful at others (but I dont know him, & I am hardly the one who should critique someone on being a troll...*giggles*).

Good Lord, you wander around alot,to know so many locations & details.  Ive never taken the time to look into those critters backstory, but Im sure there is one.  Heres an interesting tidbit: Kane has been slowly working thru issues & bugs, & with the help of his magical elves(Im guessing Dom, mostly, but the rest of the Staff does more then their part as well, Man I LOVE You guys!), hes slowly reinstating things as they should be.  I just keep playing & exploring to "discover" the many things that get implimented overtime. Youd be amazed at the difference in just the past years improvments.

107 Posts
#9 Re :   Some Questions + Some Keen Observations
8 years ago  July 01, 2016, 10:29:39 PM

I can answer one for you.. (been on the shard for a several years now)

Those homes owned by Nobody were actually once owned by players way back when the shard was smaller and we could rent or purchase homes inside the city limits.  Those were the days before Kane was GM even! So the Nobody is accounts that now are deleted. Just like I have pets that are owned by Nobody because the accounts are no longer current.

The Half orc/drowls used to belong to a dungeon we no longer have access to.

Again I will go back to a LONG time ago..lol the server was created with some odd placed house posts and buildings. And we used to have access to yard wands (man I miss them) and one day Dante decided the item count was just to much and he warned us and made everything that was not deleted static. ( I have been stuck with an unmovable fountain for years now) I am sure some of that is left over as well on the shard.
Some of the other places were GM made a while back as well. Dante used to go around building things all the time! Heck he owned so many plots it was crazy!!

I hope I helped some.

1290 Posts
#10 Re :   Some Questions + Some Keen Observations
8 years ago  July 02, 2016, 02:56:20 AM

Yes the homes owned by "nobody" are old spots that were occupied from the old townhouse system.  There were just too many glitches so that system was removed.

The homes owned by Dante or Staff are from similar situations or locking down players that were banned.  At a certain point they will be dropped in a future IDOC event

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