Discussion in   General Discussions   started     11 years ago   February 27, 2013, 05:35:20 PM   by   Belgaron

So you want to be a Gargoyle

73 Posts
Topic :   So you want to be a Gargoyle
11 years ago  February 27, 2013, 05:35:20 PM

Well I have been looking at the shards somewhat limited Gargoyle stuff and this is what I got so far.
Equips: Cloth, Leather , Plate armors:
Kilt = Hands
Chest = Chest
Wing Armor = Cloak
Leggings = Legs
Talons = Feet
Arms = Arms
Shields = Gargish Order Shield , and Gargish Kite Shield
Earring = Dragon Jade Earrings
Weapons:  Bloodblade, Disc Mace, Dread Sword, Dual Pointed Spear,  Dual Short Axes, Gargish Dagger, Gargish Talwar, Glass Staff, Glass Sword, Serpentstone Staff, Shortblade

Boomerang, Cyclone, Soul Glaive
Robe: Gargish Robes and Tamer Robes from BoD's
Apron: Tamer Half Aprons from BoD's (no magic cloth deeded ones or Tangle)
I have yet to find a working Ring , Braclet , Neclace and Helm
Now I have asked Dante if one could change the item ID of an item (100ED ) to a gargish one then could it be worn , and he said "Yes" so if and when I can get some ED lol
Fortune Leggings , Fortune Chest , Magi Arms , Magi Cloak , Magi Robe (tamer ID) , Antiquity Kilt , Tangle (tamer ID) , Mirrior Gargish Order , and Player Made one handed Talwar (whirlwind) PvM and a decient maybe Glave for PvP  and some ID for neck (magi/fortune/gen) and decient jewlery from some ID I dont know yet..
If you guys know of any other items Im missing , other then the Arti's unless jewlery, please let me know =)  PM me in game on either Belgaron or Killock( Gargo Account )

35 Posts
#1 Re :   So you want to be a Gargoyle
11 years ago  February 28, 2013, 11:20:26 AM

Be aware that Gargoyles have less apparel slots than the other races.  (Don't quote me here, but) I believe they have just 14 to the Human/Elf 17.  This was an issue on a server I played in the past and was addressed by making gargish-stuff (which has the potential to be more powerful) gargoyle-only.  I used to have a sic pvp shortblade.  With a healing script and a bit of adrenline, I was able to compete in pvp even with my lame skills cuz of that weapon.  Would hate to see my soul glaive taken from me, but it's also nice to see some gargoyles in our Evo world

73 Posts
#2 Re :   So you want to be a Gargoyle
11 years ago  February 28, 2013, 11:59:22 AM

14sounds about right i was counting I "think.....ohh here we go!!"
Legs - Legs
Arms- Arms
Chest - Chest
Wing Armor - Cloak
Robe - Robe
Belt  - Lower Outer ( Tamer Halfs work )
Talons - Feet
Wep - Righty
Shield - Lefty
Earring - Jade Dragon
Neck - Torc of the Guardians
Head - ???
Gargish Sash - Uper Outer
so im counting 15 "if" theirs a head slot  idk....then 16...  No Green Tunic for me though =(
Info found on ::: http://www.uoguide.com/Equipment_Slots :::

73 Posts
#3 Re :   So you want to be a Gargoyle
11 years ago  March 01, 2013, 06:14:37 AM

I got it!!  lol  A turn in NPC just like Zelda and some others , drop my magi gear (or others) on it , get Gargo Version back  =)

73 Posts
#4 Re :   So you want to be a Gargoyle
11 years ago  March 01, 2013, 07:55:50 AM

Wahhh!   I just try to use my Mirrior shield thats ID changed to a Lantern on My Gargo and he cant use it =(   but he can hold a normal lantern.  So getting item ID change from something that cannot be worn by Gargo to something that can is a No Go =(

Bel Zedar
4 Posts
#5 Re :   So you want to be a Gargoyle
11 years ago  March 02, 2013, 03:26:09 AM

i would like to see the gargs be able to equip the bracelets & rings. according to uoguide & stratics they use the same ones humans & elves do. course having their earrings and necklaces would be nice as well. not really worried bout arties for garg as im not a pvper, but basic gear with lrc would nice lol. (lol i suppose some of these . and this , go a long way towards maiking the msg sound friendlier sry)

202 Posts
#6 Re :   So you want to be a Gargoyle
11 years ago  March 03, 2013, 10:04:34 AM

I agree Gargs are in need of work

I have had one for a while but due to limitations rarely play him