Discussion in   General Discussions   started     9 years ago   October 26, 2015, 12:49:37 PM   by   Reside

Skills Questions

116 Posts
Topic :   Skills Questions
9 years ago  October 26, 2015, 12:49:37 PM

Hey guys...

So I've been playing on the shard for about a week and a half and I'm just starting to get the hang of things. My skills are moving up pretty well and with all the help I've gotten from Merlina and the NEW guild, as well as the advice and assistance from some great new friends like Thallos and Shena I'm working my way to getting geared up as well. So I've gone through the wiki and I have a handful of question related to several skills. Thanks in advance for any insight from all you vets out there!

Alchemy - the wiki talks about an Enhanced Potions bonus of 30% at GM but it doesn't say anything past GM. Is Alchemy worth taking past 100?

Begging - is there a need to raise this skill to GM or higher on this shard?

Bushido - ok this is a big one, I've heard this is a good skill to have when using a 2h weapon, however I understand that if you are using a 1h weapon and a shield you DO NOT want bushido at all. My question is with regards to Champ Axes... is it better to use a 2h Champ Axe with bushido or better to use a mirror shield and a 2h Champ Axe with a 1h weapon deed?

Carpentry - not much on the wiki about carpentry, is there a need to train past 100?

Cartography - wiki only shows Level 3&4 Tmaps at 100, is there a need to raise cartography past 100?

Cooking - all the wiki says is "needed for custom pet repair system" but it doesn't say what level of the skill is needed.

Forensic Evaluation - is this skill needed for some reason?

Herding - same question... is there a need for this skill?

Inscription - I have a full spellbook so unless I plan on making and selling spellbooks is there any reason to level this skill?

Item Identification - the wiki says "needed for herb gathering system" but what level is needed?

Poisoning - I'm not an RPer so is this skill needed on this shard?

Remove Trap - is this skill needed or can I just use magic untrap or telekinesis to open Tmap chests safely?

Snooping - same question as poisoning... if I'm not RPing is there a point to raising this skill?

Stealing - I thought I read somewhere in the wiki that high level stealing is needed for Tmaps and treasure hunting but I can't find what I read now. If I'm not a PKer or an RPer is stealing a skill that I should look into raising?

Taste Identification - the wiki says "needed for the pet repair system" but it doesn't say how high.

Throwing - I understand I can't level past 10 as a human so if I wanted to level up this skill would I have to use the skill ball to get the rest of the skill to 100-120? Outside of using a soul glaive or other weapon is there a need to raise this skill to/past GM?

Ok, I know that was a long list and a ton of questions so thanks for taking the time to look through this post and thanks again in advance for helping me out! If you post here and help me out and I run right past you in game and don't say thanks, feel free to punch me in the face!

- Reside  8)

75 Posts
#1 Re :   Skills Questions
9 years ago  October 26, 2015, 03:28:02 PM

Bushido - There is a custom parry/bushido system here. Bushido does not negatively affect parry.
Carpentry - Fish up drift wood and have 90+ fishing to widdle deco rares(with the widdling tool). High carpentry is needed for this I'm assuming.
Cartography - You can decode level six maps with 100 cartography, however, archaeology may require higher levels.
Inscription - Increases mage spell damage.
Item Identification - High levels needed for socketing items with lower chance of failure.
Stealing - I use it for collecting the stealable rares. Over 100 skill is necessary.

116 Posts
#2 Re :   Skills Questions
9 years ago  October 26, 2015, 06:59:46 PM

This is very helpful... thanks Blackmamba!

730 Posts
#3 Re :   Skills Questions
9 years ago  October 26, 2015, 10:09:56 PM

For openers every skill to GM or Legendary (120) is viable/worth doing. Kane , Expo, Dante, Domino, and staff are elite nerds, who are constantly trying to make the shard better.

  When the revert/cataclysm happened, 500+ days ago, we had none of the fun stuff we have today. Since than, and 99 Kane patches later, we have all the glory you will find in the coming weeks, and months, of playing on EVO-freeshard. There is tons of information here and there on the wiki. Some hidden, some lost, and some yet to be written; yet it is known by most vets who have been around before/after the revert. I suggest checking out the UOE Development Logs located bottom-middle on the right side, under the UOE Resources section. It will explain what has changed-- from OSI Default-- to current UOE.

  Asking for help on the forums was a great choice; but don't forget to go back-- if not add too-- the wiki pages, often. Dante-- and crew-- are constantly adding & updating the wiki; and with help from all EVO-Shardians we can make it a worthy library of Evolved UO knowledge.  :)

  To the answers to questions; though keep in mind Blackmamba gave you a good start, I may go over some of his points, to add my two cents.

  **Note** first you should remember that we can max out all skills; which mean beyond GM in most cases. Than you should understand that skills are not capped at 120 but can reach into the 200 to 240+ area through gear, spells, and something wonderful called a Socket deed.

~~Alchemy-- beyond gm increases your potions potential-- to a max of 80% increase-- through gear, skill, and sockets. It is also tied to one decoration item and the art of glass blowing.

~~Begging--- beyond the obvious, begging is used in the art of crafting Gold Pans. Gold panning is found under the Customs section of the wiki. I suggest you try it out, but buy your first gold pan, since you will want 120+ tinkering, begging, and fishing, in order to have a chance at making one.

~~Bushido-- is like Blackmamba said, think of them as separate systems. If you are using a shield, you are depending on your parrying skill. If you are not using a shield you are depending on your Bushido skill. But, understand that Bushido will not function without the skill Parrying; though Parrying will function without Bushido. Also, Bushido has a few good spells worth using in combat. And lastly, you are probably going to want to use a two-handed axe at a champion spawn--- due in part to its whirlwind feature.
~~Carpentry-- what Blackmamba said is possible, through I'd have to ask Kane if wood widdling has been activated. Also, on that note, carpentry will-- someday-- follow blacksmithing-- and tailoring-- in how much skill is needed to craft the top stuff.

~~Cartography-- is used to decode maps and for Archeology. The second feature requires:  Mining 120, Detect Hidden 110, Item ID 100, Cartography 110, and Lockpicking 110 in order to have a chance at the first kind of Archeology Vaults. Great loot in there, I've been told, but they can be tough.

~~Cooking-- the skill minimum is 130. This is a must for players tending to their pets: whether it is to fix them up-- after an untimely death-- or to boost them to their highest potentials before the dungeon party even gets started. An item called an Advanced veterinary kit can be found on player vendors or gotten as an additional reward for completing Monster Contracts. This kit is needed-- along with other such materials-- to create Pet Tonics, Ointments, and possibly salves. Each kit comes with X amount of charges, so complete MC's in bulk when you can.

~~Forensic Evaluation-- using Forensic Evaluation on a corpse will reveal the name of the killer-- as well as-- those who looted the corpse; using it on a player will reveal their affiliation with the Thieves Guild; or using it on a lockable chest will reveal who has recently picked the lock of that container. For the most part, ass of yet, it is not that useful. Then again it is one of those skills I have not really used; so I might be wrong.

~~Herding-- this skill may still be used to increase your potential stable capacity. Also, it can be useful while training provocation-- though attacking animals/monsters and leading them in a direction works better/faster.

~~Inscription-- though I can't say that Blackmamba is right-- or wrong- about the Inscription damage bonus.. I do believe Kane once told me it is a function that is turned off. It does however effect the potential value of these magery spells: Reactive armor, protection, and reflect spells.

~~Item Identification-- I believe 110 to 120+ is a good start. This skill is part of many custom systems; so get it as high as you can. Most notably is Archeology; where a lot of great set items live.

~~Poisoning-- this skill isn't just for role-playing-- and might I say it never was-- long ago there was a Character set up called the Nox mage. If you have GM poisoning and are also GM in Magery you can cast the poison/poison wall spell and inflict others with deadly poison. SO yeah one spell, and everyone dies... Muhahaha! There are a variety of weapons that have special moves which require the weapon tobe dosed with poison. The successful attack from one of these weapons--  can cause the victim to be infected with the highest quality of poison found in the game.  8)

~~Remove Trap-- is not needed to loot chests since you can stand away from the chest-- after picking the lock-- and cast telekinesis to trigger the trap safely. I myself have Gm skill in remove trap, and it allows me the ability to stealth around dangerous monsters and loot their treasure chests unharmed. Careful though! Some can see hidden things! RUN!

~~Snooping-- is really only used to raise the attribute Dex. It could come in handy some day for a custom Thieves guild--found in Fel-- which would allow thieves to steal from any players in Fel. *shrugs and looks at Kane*

~~Stealing-- pretty much what Blackmamba said, and especially at holiday event dungeons/areas.

~~Taste Identification-- this skill is similar to the cooking skill I mentioned earlier, though 120 might be it's cap. It's useful but not all the time; mostly for aiding your tamed pets needs.

~~Throwing-- yes you will have to either turn into a gargoyle-- no quest for that yet-- or use your skill-ball to get the throwing skill up to GM. I have been told you can get the skill past GM, but it is a headache I am assured.

      ---Bonus Round---   ;D

~~Monster contracts-- there is a quest giver of sorts who can be found in the building north of the Flower Shop in Britain. Every two hours or so; you can talk with him and get a monster contract. These contracts work very much like Bulk Order deeds. The only difference is you must go out into the realms and kill the creatures required. Also, be sure to land the killing blow, if you tend to use bard skills, in a fight.

   I feel dizzy... but I hope that helps.  :o


116 Posts
#4 Re :   Skills Questions
9 years ago  October 27, 2015, 07:15:16 PM

Sturger, Small changes. 

Bushido and Parry are completely agnostic of each other.  Each one will work even if you have 0 of the other.

The Whittling system for carpentry is not in the game at the moment.  You cannot obtain Driftwood.

Snooping and Stealing do indeed work on other players in Fel.  be VERY careful to keep everything you wouldnt like stolen insured.  Even items inside your loot bag, if not insured can be stolen.

Herding -- This is actually a big one, This is a PvP Animal Taming Defense.  When someone orders a pet to attack you, the game calculates a check based on your Herding skill and the aggressor's Taming skill, on a fail, the pet will wander aimlessly and be unable to be ordered to kill for ~15 seconds

116 Posts
#5 Re :   Skills Questions
9 years ago  October 28, 2015, 12:38:25 AM

Whoa Sturger... you blew me away with the well thought out response. Seriously... thanks man!

Waffles, that's actually pretty interesting about herding. I had no idea. You should add that to the wiki for sure!

Thanks guys!

- Reside  8)

730 Posts
#6 Re :   Skills Questions
9 years ago  October 28, 2015, 03:47:09 PM

  Thanks Waffle... at least I wasn't so far off the mark.

  I must say I love the forums; I had no idea about the Herding skill and PvP. Must be a Kane idea.

  I also, didn't know that Kane changed it so Bushido worked on it's own... thanks.

  @ stealing:  Haha, now I have a reason to make a rogue and pester PK's in Fel again.  Love it!