Discussion in   General Discussions   started     8 years ago   May 07, 2016, 11:02:52 AM   by   Evolution

Read the Rules! No Excuses!

1290 Posts
Topic :   Read the Rules! No Excuses!
8 years ago  May 07, 2016, 11:02:52 AM

Stop what you are doing now and read the rules!

Now that we have a population of over 500+ players it is getting increasingly harder for staff to keep up will all the rule breaking and complaint reports.

The staff does their best to resolve issues, but staff was never intended to be referees or babysitters.  Please play the game with some common sense and maturity.

We will try and sternly warn you one time, tell you to review the rules and mark your account with a note of any infractions.  If you break any rule again you will be punished with jail, suspension or ban.

Cursing is never allowed, if you do it in public chat you will be punished without warning

Griefing is NEVER allowed!  If you dont understand what this is, speak with Dante immediately.

AFK farming and resource gathering has gotten out of hand again.  You will no longer get warnings, it will be instant jail if you break this rule

Player vs Player Rules

This shard encourages dueling and guild rivalries. The human element mixed with dynamic combat is one of the features of Ultima that makes this game so exciting.

UO Evolution allows PVP combat but requires "Player Killers"(PK)to allow defeated players to fully recover before attacking them again. This shard does not allow "Rez Killing" or "griefing" other players. We allow for good vs evil roleplaying and want the shard to be fun for all.
Player Killing or Player Looting at staff run events is NEVER allowed, no matter what facet

Do not camp out at spawns, moongates or player's homes
Cutting off heads is allowed after a kill, but do not do this during events or other type of gathering where this behavior would be considered unwelcome by the staff

Always try to be fair and consider how you would feel if the situation was reversed. If someone complains or is not having fun, then the rule of thumb is you were probably violating a rule
Do not target young, new or inexperienced players. Lessons can be learned without ruining a player's experience on this shard. Please use some common sense and common courtesy.

Never bully a player or intentionally try to run off a player either by actions or words. If there is a legitimate problem with a player, please notify a GM and let us take care of the situation.

The staff will do their best to make a judgement call, and include me in the process, but be warned, we are now at the point of zero tolerance with the repeat offenders.

Judgement will be fair, but playing on this shard is a privilege. Please do not exploit it, the rules, or the players.

Please read the rules again, there will no excuses for not knowing them!

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

98 Posts
#1 Re :   Read the Rules! No Excuses!
8 years ago  May 08, 2016, 03:55:26 PM

In regards to the PvP rule of allowing the other combatant to recoup fully before attacking them again: What if they rez, and before they are fully healed they start attacking you, or doing some beneficial acts to other people you are fighting i.e. spamming heals. Does this make that rule moot, and we are able to openly attack them as they are willingly getting back into the mix, or is this a reportable offense?

92 Posts
#2 Re :   Read the Rules! No Excuses!
8 years ago  May 08, 2016, 09:38:48 PM

In regards to the PvP rule of allowing the other combatant to recoup fully before attacking them again: What if they rez, and before they are fully healed they start attacking you, or doing some beneficial acts to other people you are fighting i.e. spamming heals. Does this make that rule moot, and we are able to openly attack them as they are willingly getting back into the mix, or is this a reportable offense?

The 30 rez invulnerability stops insta reattacks when initally rezed. so if after the 30 seconds they remain (unless due to a technological problem) or attack then itsfair game.

98 Posts
#3 Re :   Read the Rules! No Excuses!
8 years ago  May 09, 2016, 07:31:24 PM

I only asked because, in the past, I have ran into problems of being reported when people would just back into the fray while unequipped. They would say I was "griefing" while they were assisting the other people I was attacking at the time. Just wanted to get some clarification on the matter so everyone is on the same page. Sadly, if things aren't spelled out crystal clearly it seems people cause a ruckus to attempt to get others in trouble.

53 Posts
#4 Re :   Read the Rules! No Excuses!
8 years ago  May 17, 2016, 11:08:29 AM

Here's a theoretical (not really but we'll pretend) situation in which I'd like to know what to do, because I don't think it fits cleanly into a normal category:

Let's say you're at a triple champ event. You notice that a guild that runs champ spawns together is well-represented at the event. You also notice that their guildmembers are one-by-one running right on top of you until one of them finally gets you flagged criminal. They stop running over you at that point. They don't even attack. But now - and this is obviously the point - you can't attack the champ boss because you'll get cut down like a weed. You've figured this out because it's happened more than once and the lightbulb in your head finally lit up.

Reportable? Reportable with evidence? You can't record video in Razor anymore but you can screenshot. Dirty but technically fair play? And if it is fair play, what would a player do about it? It seems to me the only way to beat it is to stop attacking things at which point you're still out of the game, but maybe I'm missing something.

3 Posts
#5 Re :   Read the Rules! No Excuses!
8 years ago  May 18, 2016, 08:24:15 AM

Harper, Happened to me at least 2 times so far in the past month. The only thing you can do is report the players and hope that if enough players report them, the admins will do something.

13 Posts
#6 Re :   Read the Rules! No Excuses!
8 years ago  May 20, 2016, 12:45:34 AM

I was told if the person that dies leaves the area and the person that killed em follows then to res kill thats greifing. By definition if the invul time was all you had you wouldn't need a rule on the wiki saying no res killing bc you can't res kill them bc they are invul. So res killing must refer to after you can attack them.

204 Posts
#7 Re :   Read the Rules! No Excuses!
8 years ago  May 20, 2016, 08:56:40 AM

Harper, I want to answer this thoroughly for everyone to understand so its in 3 parts, so bare with me.

Triple Champs/City Events/GM run events & grey flagging:

1. Im bad at having a macro misfire & flagging me gray(a side effect of using razor, steams better to prevent this, but not perfect), & upon doing so, I step out of the foray to keep from killing others, because it was my fault.

2. But! We do have many newcomers who arent aware of this issue, or forget to TURN OFF YOUR AUTO LOOTER!  *giggles* at triple champs, going grey.  Try to catch their attention (its hard to do with WW spam running), either at the time in pm or after the champs are over & calmly tell them to move out of the foray...but please, dont turn into a screamin lunitic.  I have yelled in [c, "hey <name> your grey, get off the alter/area...or Ill kill you by accident or youll kill me cause your a powerhouse!". Yes, it can be a stressful moment, but try to take a deep breath before you react.

3. Then there is those your actually describing: The naughty person who flags, know their flagged but they dont care & are out for themselves & screw the rest of us.  The description of "players who flag grey & dont move out of the mix, on a REGULAR BASIS", should be reported via the help menu.  The Staff will handle it from there (they do keep track of players who do this, as well as who is the reporting person is for future reference).

I am sorry for being long winded, tis my nature, but I only hope to help those around me as best I can.

Evo truly is a wonderful place, never let a few asshats ruin it for you.



204 Posts
#8 Re :   Read the Rules! No Excuses!
8 years ago  May 20, 2016, 10:12:28 AM

Rez Killing:

Such a sensitive subject, I have been on both sides of the issue but I will share what I know.

The Staff use Evo's Jurisprudence in all cases, because it isnt black & white, period.

A 30 second timer was instated to give a person time to run off-screen, recall/hide til criminal timer is off or get their self together to go back into the fight.

Everyone wants to argue the gray areas, but it is gray so expect some deviation.

Felucian General Rule:  In Fel lifestyle, we leave others in peace once we discover someone is already there. Let me interject 1 thing, if there is a champ or mob engaged. leave the area immediately! If I choose to "hang around", I either know this person as a friend/ally or Im asking to get my teeth kicked in.  Image Felucians as a pack of wolves (I am semi Trammy but I am a born Felucian, so take no offence), would you hang out if you saw a wolf around? They are territorial, & will act accordingly.  You may only see 1 wolf, but they are part of a pack, so beware.

I had a newcomer to the server (1-2 months old) try to move in on my fel champ. In general, we dont eat new players, but I knew this new person: they had very bad manners. I warned him to leave 2 times, then I ate him. Then he shown his bad manners even further: He started talking crap, very offensive crap, non-stop. I gave as good as he dished, but I keep repeating, "You have 30 seconds, leave!" He chose to keep trying to regear up (the 1st few times), all the while spewing the most awful things one could say to another human being, so I kept killing him.

We were both wrong: He failed to not talk trash, I failed by killing him over & over for his trash talk. 

Lesson 1:  Manners & your Reputation are good & may save your butt in some cases, but dont expect special treatment by the Staff, ever!
Lesson 2: If you went to Fel, you know someone may kill you, so you chose the risk.
Lesson 3: Dont trash talk in open air, [c, [pvp,  [pms or telepathically. Keep your mouth shut, if you want to be taken seriously for a reportable offense.
Lesson 4: Get up & walk away from your computer for 10-15 mins if your in a sucky situation & want to get out of it, cool heads prevail.

So, my advice is to use the "Fulucian General Rule" & always keep the 4 lessons in mind if your playing here at Evo.

Evo really is a wonderful place, help us keep it that way!



13 Posts
#9 Re :   Read the Rules! No Excuses!
8 years ago  May 21, 2016, 11:05:27 AM

One of the problems is that you can follow a ghost bc you can see them. They just follow me.