Discussion in   General Discussions   started     7 years ago   September 05, 2017, 05:49:41 PM   by   Evolution

PvP Ideas?

1290 Posts
Topic :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 05, 2017, 05:49:41 PM

Kane is working on PvP balance this week.  Please post any information on what items are needing balance, what mechanics are broken or anything you would like changed/fixed

Please post the issue ALONG with a solution!

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180 Posts
#1 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 05, 2017, 06:07:22 PM

Stop players from avoiding murder counts by going grey before engaging other players.  There should be consequences to player killing.  If you want to PK other players go red.

Also could you allow the combat flag to reset when you die, this would allow someone to tele or recall out upon rez;  sometimes the invuln timer runs out before the combat timer. 

Des Sanct
28 Posts
#2 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 05, 2017, 07:02:21 PM

Stop players from avoiding murder counts by going grey before engaging other players.  There should be consequences to player killing.  If you want to PK other players go red.

Also could you allow the combat flag to reset when you die, this would allow someone to tele or recall out upon rez;  sometimes the invuln timer runs out before the combat timer.

Id gladly accept this scenario with one minor tweak. Your personal teleporter/recall/sacred journey does not work. You must travel facets via moongate once in felucca.  Let's be serious. You're asking to be able to sneak in and do what you want until you get caught, then immediate tele out without punishment. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

3 Posts
#3 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 05, 2017, 08:08:09 PM

Return 'New Player Status' so new members cant be pked in fel

98 Posts
#4 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 06, 2017, 07:16:05 AM

I could likely go through all of the unused skill sets like ninjitsu, alchemy, spellweaving, druid and cleric if it would help drive some changes. These are my suggestions for necromancy to make it on par with magery.

Necromancy: There are really only a few viable spells at the moment. I will break down the damaging spells, give pro's/con's and suggestions to make them get on par with Magery.

-Pain Spike:
Damage = (caster’s Spirit Speak – target Resisting Spells) ÷ 100 + 18  **This would equate to roughly 18 damage as 120 SS - 120 resist = 0/100 +18
Cast time = 1.0s
 Mana Cost = 5

Pros: .....
Cons: Low damage for a "spike" dps spell. Damage gets healed back after x amount of time. Casting again before it wears off equates to very minimal damage

Suggestions for improvement: Remove the hp that gets added back after duration is over. Significantly increase the base damage calculation and likely cast time (think Mage's Flame Strike level). Increase mana cost on par with Flamestrike. Possibly add a bleed or poison after the attack or a % chance to it.

-Poison Strike:
Damage = Do not have a base damage calculation for this. 120ss/necro on a 70's resist toon = about 17 dmg
Cast Time = 2.0s
Mana Cost = 17

Pros: Decent damage, "splash damage". It is supposed to have a % chance to inflict poison but I have never seen poison be inflicted by this spell
Cons: High Mana cost @ 17 and High Cast time for the damage. (Fireball @ 120/120/120 mage/eval/inscription hits at 11-13 on 70's with 9 mana and 1.0s cast)

Suggestions for improvements: Decrease cast time by 0.5s. Increase damage by 20%. Increase % chance to poison. If the inflict poison chance is brought to about 50%-75% chance the damage increase could be brought to only 10%. Would have to be deadly poison or based off poison/necro.

Damage = I do not have a damage calculation for this. Can not find it
Cast time = 1.5s
Mana Cost = 23

Pros: Great AOE damage
Cons: Only works on blues when red, or against reds. High mana cost.

Suggestions for improvements: Wither is an amazing spell. I do not see any reason to change it.

Damage = With 120 SS. Against a target with 70 poison resist.Against a target with 100% stamina:Avg 3 damage per tick for 12 ticks, 36 total.
Against a target with 50% StaminaAvg 7 damage per tick for 12 ticks, 84 total.
Against a target with 0% StaminaAvg 10 damage per tick for 12 ticks, 120 total.

Cast time = 2.5s
Mana Cost = 29

Pros: One of the few DoTs in game
Cons: Based off the % of target's stamina and, as we know from experience, stamina rarely dips below 99%.

Suggestions for improvements: This suggestion is actually for another spell, Dampen Spirit. Increase the cast time on Dampen Spirit to 1.5s-2.0s, double or 2.5x the amount of stam drained per tick. Purge clears dampen spirit, divine fury instantly refills stam, full refresh pots fill stam. There are a lot of work arounds to negate this spell. Increasing the cast time and stam drain brings it back into a somewhat playable state. If Dampen Spirit were made this way it would bring some viability back into Strangle and add more diversity to PvP in general.

-Vengeful Spirit:
 Damage = No damage calculations can be found
Cast time = 8s
Mana cost = 41

Pros: These guys stick like glue to the target
Cons: 3 slots per summon, dispelled by Pally dispel evil and, I believe, dispel/mass dispel.

Suggestions for improvements: Not a very widely used spell in general. Maybe increase the duration or decrease the slots taken to 2. A better way would be to make it to allow 4 to be summoned at maximum but that may be hard to code. These would be used from a person playing more of a support role since an 8 second cast time in PvP is insane. Also, basing their damage off SS and chance to hit off of Necro would go a long way to help. Right now they don't do much dmg at all. Possibly add a % chance to inflict both bleed, and poison (based off necro/ss/poisoning).

All support spells in Necromancy are pretty ok.

Evil omen is a great disrupter. I would actually like to see the cast time increased to 1.5s and the dmg % increased to 50% on next spell ONLY to effect necro spells *only if changes were made*. Another suggestion would be point blank turning this into a necro "curse" like mages have and base it off SS.
Blood Oath can help but I don't see it used very often at all. Add a "bleed" to the spell after cast on the target. The increased dmg you take makes it difficult to mitigate especially since the healing power we have is stunted when compared to mages and hit fireball has steadily gotten way out of hand with repeating xbows, ancient nightmares, magma augments, and lower parry. I have seen a boosted fireball with someone on ancient nightmare + augs + item from auction land 70ish dmg hit fireballs from a repeater. 1.25s atk speed landing 70dmg on hit fireball activation. It is insane. Completely and utterly insane.
Corpse Skin I don't think I've ever seen this used. Most people are so over stacked on resists that the -15 fire/poison drop is never seen. Maybe change this to make fire/poison resists drop to a flat # but then it would likely be abused by mages using red dragon + fire spells. If it dropped fire/poison to a certain # add a bleed/poison to the spell.
Mind Rot has the potential to be a great spell, but the excessively low mana costs on mage spells means they never even dip below 95%. Maybe increase the % of increased mana cost to 50-75% and see where it falls.
Wraith Form and Lich Form these would be great spells if they did not change your character into a wraith/lich. Being locked in those forms makes you unable to mount.
Spirit Speak I have never seen this used. It could be ok if it were an actual spell and not tied to skill cooldowns. Would essentially need to be turned into a lesser heal like mages have.

Just my 0.02$.

I will reiterate the dampen spirit improvements here: Increase the cast time on Dampen Spirit to 1.5s-2.0s, double or 2.5x the amount of stam drained per tick. Purge clears dampen spirit, divine fury instantly refills stam, full refresh pots fill stam. There are a lot of work arounds to negate this spell. Increasing the cast time and stam drain brings it back into a somewhat playable state. If Dampen Spirit were made this way it would bring some viability back into Strangle and add more diversity to PvP in general as people would have to start watching their stam again.

98 Posts
#5 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 06, 2017, 07:31:13 AM

Also, hit fireball needs a serious looking at with all of the + damage from augs, ancient nightmares with hit fireball deeds, etc, etc, etc. It is out of hand completely.

Des Sanct
28 Posts
#6 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 06, 2017, 08:02:49 AM

Also, hit fireball needs a serious looking at with all of the + damage from augs, ancient nightmares with hit fireball deeds, etc, etc, etc. It is out of hand completely.

The solution is to hard cap the fireball damage for pvp. Should be no more difficult than the already coded SDI. Just do the math on where is should be. Take these current factors into consideration (base weapon damage+ hit harm+hit magic arrow+hit lightening+hit fireball)x2 = X. The x2 representing double strike. So if a repeater base damage from a player with 120wep + 120 tacts + 120 anat + 100 Danage increase = 17-21 then we can average a ranged attack at harm for 1-4 ( double if we are standing 1 tile away) magic arrow for 8 to 12, lightening for 16 to 20 and then if we hard cap fireball at 25m we would see damage hits at approximately 134 damage from 1 double strike at the low end of the spectrum and in a perfect shot combo of 172 for the high end. Now with this weapon swinging at 1.25 seconds. You can safely estimate that you can survive for 2.5 seconds at which the 3rd double strike will hit you and if you havent healed, well I am sorry but youll be dead. Please understand some of these numbers could be slightly off but you can see why a hard cap would be necessary. Yes i know a players resist factors into the amount of damage. Thats where these estimates come from at a stance of 70% in all 5 categories

Des Sanct
28 Posts
#7 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 06, 2017, 08:05:12 AM

Dont worry about all weapons in my previous statement. I kbow some of you will get petty and say how rare it is to get a quad hit spell. But i didn't factor in VELOCITY just so you all understand that the repeater is the weapon of choice (and i honestly havent checked into the formulas for velocity damage on this shard)

11 Posts
#8 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 07, 2017, 12:48:37 PM

Haven't played in a while, but I'd like to jump back in soon. Been busy! Hope everyone is doing well.

Perhaps weapon abilities should be looked at. Mortal strike/double strike was strong last time I played. Maybe some other weapons specials could be evaluated and buffed?

Side note: I saw a reply on the evo facebook suggesting to re -introduce the mortal spam.. That will not balance pvp or create gear parity. 

Re-introduce factions or some pvp system. Give pvpers a reason to log on. Before I took a break, I would run through dungeons for hours trying to find a fight. I couldn't go red if I wanted to. We're (mostly) all adults here, and I'd be happy to join a faction with less geared players/enemy guilds to help balance the odds.

Another thought, poison can be cured incredibly easy as it stands. Anyone with a decent razor/uosteam macro can instantly cure. Making high lvl poisons harder to cure could make things interesting. (This would obviously take some thought to get right, but could be a unique change to gameplay/ pvp)
I'll try to log in this weekend!

11 Posts
#9 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 07, 2017, 01:31:41 PM

Return 'New Player Status' so new members cant be pked in fel

that's not a pvp idea. you have trammel for that.

7 Posts
#10 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 07, 2017, 08:03:05 PM

Factions coming back would be pretty rad. Honestly, as a pretty new player (3 months) I don't think Felucca is too harsh. I mean, I've been killed but the only thing you really lose being killed is insurance money. Between item insurance and the loot bag you don't really lose anything. But, not everyone will have the same experiences I guess.

I feel like entry level PvP is tough but again, I'm only three months old so that's to be expected. I should expect to get spanked when I try and compete against the people that have played for years. Some sort of instanced battlefields would be pretty neat. I dunno if that's possible.

But yeah. TL;DR Factions being implemented would be pretty cool.

98 Posts
#11 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 09, 2017, 02:06:02 AM

Make necromancy great again.

180 Posts
#12 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 09, 2017, 04:30:08 AM

Having some sort of faction system would allow for a context to PvP.

I agree with the poison idea!  the + poison level items should be useful in PvP.

37 Posts
#13 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 13, 2017, 08:16:50 AM

Return 'New Player Status' so new members cant be pked in fel

felucca doesn't even show up on the moongate when someone has new player status, if you relinquish it to travel to fel, you're already well aware of the consequences that can potentially follow

37 Posts
#14 Re :   PvP Ideas?
7 years ago  September 13, 2017, 08:21:13 AM

perhaps instead of directly using factions you could check out how osi has switched over to Vice versus Virtue

I think it could be a fantasticly implemented system here to keep us hooligans busy