Discussion in   General Discussions   started     11 years ago   May 07, 2013, 10:14:33 AM   by   Kyn

PvM Attack Nearest Macro

336 Posts
Topic :   PvM Attack Nearest Macro
11 years ago  May 07, 2013, 10:14:33 AM

PvM Attack Closest monster Macro!

1- Open razor and go to the Macros tab.

2- Click New to create a new macro, name it how you wish it. For the purpose of this tutorial, let's name it "Attack".

3- Click Record and leave it recording.

4- Go to Hotkeys tab and locate Targets.

5- In Targets, locate Target Closest Non-Friendly. Select it and, on the menu to the right, click Execute Selected.

6- Now, still in Targets, locate Attack Last Target. Select it and, again, on the menu to the right, click Execute Selected.

7- The macro recorded both. You can return to Macros and click Stop.

8- Go back to Hotkeys tab and locate Macros.

9- In Macros, find "Attack" in the list. Select it and, on the menu to the right, assign a hotkey to it. Don't forget to click Set. Personally, I use Alt + Z for this one.And it's done. The "Attack" macro lines should look like this:
Exec: Target Closest Non-Friendly
Exec: Attack Last Target

EXEc: Clear target que

Now when you hit that hotkey, it will find the closest enemy to you and attack it. You don't even need to be in war mode. It works 99% of the time, I don't know why it doesn't work on some monsters. It also works for spells, if you hit the hotkey after casting, it will be cast on the closest enemy.

Last Frakk
43 Posts
#1 Re :   PvM Attack Nearest Macro
11 years ago  May 07, 2013, 03:31:35 PM

I have one question.Im using same macro for very long time but only here when im alone aganst monster i become criminal for some reason, any idea why?

Thorgal Pain
254 Posts
#2 Re :   PvM Attack Nearest Macro
11 years ago  May 07, 2013, 03:36:25 PM

Non-friendly can also be another player so be careful, specialy around champs.

Last Frakk
43 Posts
#3 Re :   PvM Attack Nearest Macro
11 years ago  May 07, 2013, 04:33:18 PM

Most of the cases im alway alone i still become criminal.Even i shrink my pets and still hapens

Thorgal Pain
254 Posts
#4 Re :   PvM Attack Nearest Macro
11 years ago  May 07, 2013, 04:55:51 PM

Might happen if you are running a targeting macro and trying to heal ur pets, if you heal a critter you become a criminal.

35 Posts
#5 Re :   PvM Attack Nearest Macro
11 years ago  May 09, 2013, 02:38:10 PM

Kyn, when I use a bandaid to heal or cure my pets, I frequently attack them during battle using this macro.  I've adapted by rarely using them, by casting and by being careful to dbl click on an enemy target after I use vet.  But there are still times when I auto attack unintentionally.  Would love to know why they become "closest non-friendly" and what the fix is for this...

I'm not a blonde.  I just play one on Evolution

Last Frakk
43 Posts
#6 Re :   PvM Attack Nearest Macro
11 years ago  May 09, 2013, 02:52:34 PM

Im making champs without pets or im using mule that i ride.And still im going every 30 sec criminal.There is no pets or people around me so im keep wandering what is happening.Its not that big problem but when someone come ,even blue player he can atack u freely.i think the place of that helpful macro is in tutorials .