Discussion in   General Discussions   started     13 years ago   January 29, 2012, 05:27:34 PM   by   Evolution

Player vs Player Rules

1290 Posts
Topic :   Player vs Player Rules
13 years ago  January 29, 2012, 05:27:34 PM

I have reposted the rules for everyone to review, make sure you read them carefully.  I want this shard to be fun for all and am trying to work on creating a large player base.  If you are working against that goal here in the early stages of development, you are hurting the shard by pking...that being said, here are the actual rules:
Player vs Player

This shard encourages dueling and guild rivalries. The human element mixed with dynamic combat is one of the features of Ultima that makes this game so exciting.
UO Evolution allows PVP combat but requires "Player Killers"(PK)to allow defeated players to fully recover before attacking them again. This shard does not allow "Rez Killing" or "griefing" other players. We allow for good vs evil roleplaying and want the shard to be fun for all.
Do not camp out at spawns, moongates or player's homes
Cutting off heads is allowed after a kill, but do not do this during events or other type of gathering where this behavior would be considered unwelcome by the staff
Always try to be fair and consider how you would feel if the situation was reversed. If someone complains or is not having fun, then the rule of thumb is you were probably violating a rule
Do not target young, new or inexperienced players. Lessons can be learned without ruining a player's experience on this shard. Please use some common sense and common courtesy.
Never bully a player or intentionally try to run off a player either by actions or words. If there is a legitimate problem with a player, please notify a GM and let us take care of the situation.
Preface by saying that though a Murderer may be played, consistently thoughtless griefing will not be tolerated. Roleplaying type of conflict and competition are encouraged by UOE. Hence Red characters are a welcome element. It is a very grey, subjective area, however, between what is griefing and what is not. Murderers beware. Do not "rez kill". After a player has been defeated/killed, you must let them fully recover before engaging them again.
Dante note:
My wish is to keep pvp light with consentual players, develop pvp skill by tournaments and fun events for players that want to participate.  As the shard develops a population I would like to evolve the PvP population in Felucca and have guild town and players that want this style.  What I dont want is to see players killing off the new population and making people quit...

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

Mad Season
2 Posts
#1 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
13 years ago  January 29, 2012, 06:07:16 PM

sounds very good and fair.

1 Posts
#2 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
12 years ago  January 30, 2012, 07:13:37 AM

and also, if pvp is consent only, (pvp is not consent only, its what I would prefer to see during the early stages of shard development, read the rules carefully)What do you do when people steal from you right after you kill a champ? Just let me go? Im sorry but if this is an acceptable action, i have no problem quitting. My problem with this is, I was told pvp is by consent only. Why should I have to worry about being stole from when pvp is by consent only? Im looking to kill champs and enjoy it. Not worry about idiots being annoying.
There are champs in many other facets such as, Tram, Malas, Tokuno and Ilsh that you cannot be pked or looted, but if you are in Felucca, you can be attacked/looted

1290 Posts
#3 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
12 years ago  February 04, 2012, 10:55:01 PM

PVP has always been the same, this is right from the wiki...
Felucca, the original facet of Britannia, allows active player versus player gameplay. This means that if you are on the Felucca facet and are outside of a guard zone (inside town, around moongates, etc), you may be freely attacked and may freely attack other players. Keep in mind, you are responsible for the consequences of your actions, and actively pursuing player versus player combat (PVP) may result in a negative reputation or karma.
Felucca and Trammel both are themselves divided into 2 areas: Britannia and the Lost Lands.
In Felucca dungeons and in The Lost Lands in Felucca, several Champion Spawns can be found. Within these areas, Power Scrolls can be obtained.
Also, resource drops (such as the wood that comes from lumberjacking or the ore that comes from mining) are double that of the other facets.
Within Felucca, PvP combat is nearly unrestricted. The only real restrictions are that combat initiated on blue players within a guard zone will result in the aggressor being "guard whacked" , an aggressive act against a blue player will turn the aggressor Gray and thus freely attackable until two minutes after his last aggressive act.
Within Felucca is also a Faction system of 4 (2 considered good and the others considered evil). Unlike murder, you may fight in towns freely against opposing factions.
When an aggressor kills a "blue" player, the victim has the opportunity to give their slayer a Murder Count. These decay in 40 hours of logged-in time, 15 minute blocks at once. At the accumulation of five, the character will flag red, a Murderer, and become freely attackable by anyone.
It is strongly advised that travelers to Felucca bring only what they are not afraid of losing, as bands of murderers, or simple player-bandits, have been known to roam the countryside in search of fresh blood. Defending yourself may be hard, so always know a good escape route, and be ready to flee if attacked and unprepared (An open runebook, to a safe spot, for example)
UO Evolution requires "Player Killers"(PK)to allow defeated players to fully recover before attacking them again. This shard does not allow "Rez Killing" or "Griefing" other players. We allow for good vs evil roleplaying and want the shard to be fun for all.
Felucca has been fully customized by UO Evolution. We have created new monsters and challenges for even the most seasoned players. Most of the more difficult quests/rewards will be found on this facet.
Many of the cities are not guarded and are inhabited by hostile creatures.
There is a city specifically for red players called "Red City"

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

1290 Posts
#4 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
12 years ago  June 09, 2012, 11:08:17 PM

Players please read the PvP rules...again

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

35 Posts
#5 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  March 28, 2013, 11:05:29 PM

Bumping for freshness

46 Posts
#6 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  March 29, 2013, 12:34:31 PM

About the reskill... saw some player QQing a lot about it, but isnt it kinda "impossible" to reskill since there is a 30s invul after res? I mean, in 30s you have all the time in the world to heal or recall away... if the player come back not healed at the location he died... its kinda his fault. Also, some player will simple not heal and come back to insult/QQ to the pker and when killd again, will yell reskilling.

So... whats your though?

Thorgal Pain
254 Posts
#7 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  March 29, 2013, 12:59:09 PM

I totaly agree.

230 Posts
#8 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  March 29, 2013, 01:11:42 PM

I have brought this point up with a couple staff members, but there is no official stance at the moment. There is already a 30 second grace period and if you were serious about leaving to recover, that is plenty of time to do so. My qualm is you can stay naked and not heal for any length of time you choose and you can claim you were res killed. But several minutes later, I think you'd be hard pressed to claim you were "attempting to recover". That is called baiting and should not rewarded with a response.

Honestly, if anyone is remotely familiar with where PVP in UO has come from, you cannot really ask for more. The only thing that happens when you die is your screen goes grey. You can insure your items, put things in your blessed loot bag, get a bank crystal if you choose, there is no skill-loss from death, we have 30 second invulnerability window, there are moon gates everywhere to run to, it really doesn't get much more "friendly" than that. Well, unless you want to look into joining a consent only shard...

46 Posts
#9 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  March 29, 2013, 02:01:12 PM

Not sure if you got me wrong, but Im actualy on your side. my comment was about removing the "res-kill" in rules since it isnt a problem whit the 30s invul. If you do get "res-kill" (even if it isnt really) well, your either dump or an ass that want just want to find reason to QQ.

35 Posts
#10 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  March 29, 2013, 02:26:41 PM


Minos has a good point about the origins of pvp in UO and how easy we have it here.  But 30 seconds of invunerability isn't very much time, especially if your reflexes are slowed down by shock, anger, or *ahem* other factors.  I don't actively engage in pvp, but frequently run out of time trying to recover from pvm deaths in 30 seconds. (seems to take longer than that just for razor to auto-redress me).

I also really like the element of discretion that is implied in the rules.  There is no hard and fast time limit set.  The time it takes one person to fully heal and totally recover will differ from another.  So let whoever it is fully recover before you kill them again.  If you've just killed them, what's the point of a rez kill no matter how long it took them to recover?

Dante makes this server available for us all to play, but this is our community to build. It will be what we make it.  Treat others as you would want to be treated.  I'd like to be given however much time I need to fully recover (as it clearly says in the rules) no matter how slow I seem.

1290 Posts
#11 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  March 29, 2013, 04:08:34 PM

Yes, there is no reason to kill a player a second time, the killer should just leave and move away from the defeated player.  No need to talk, taunt, or grief a player

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

46 Posts
#12 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  March 29, 2013, 04:24:02 PM

in the situation a player is killing mobs in a area, and an other come by. the first (a pk) kill the second. 30s after, the same player come back again to kill the same mobs (not full hp) and probably wont have full since he is killing mobs (well, you understand what I mean) the first player cant kill that player again? same for Champs and quest mobs.

35 Posts
#13 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  March 29, 2013, 06:22:11 PM

Just my take:  During a raid, you attempt to take the champ over & kill the player(s) there.  They have the choice to leave or stay.  As long as they are fully recovered, dressed and all healed up I see no reason why you couldn't engage them again.  Yes!

We can also communicate without griefing, taunting or belittling.  Players go grey, both kill and get killed, in champs all the time.  When someone attacks me, I don't automatically assume they are being antagonistic and I've never intentionally killed in those situations.  But among friends I'm tagged as "kills you when you're grey".  Chalk it up to almighty parry and having some intense AOE.

So making it clear that you are there to raid, giving the player time to fully recover and leave if they choose to seems enough.  If they do recover and come back, make sure it's clear in both their mind and yours that you are engaging in battle a second time.  The interval of time between each kill/recovery should be clear to everyone involved.  There's that use of discretion and judgment I like so much.

Once again, just my take on it.  And what I would suggest is to err on the side of caution.  Give each other more time and more of a warning (for the 2nd attack of course)

Well said tyvm

20 Posts
#14 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  March 31, 2013, 09:33:42 PM

I havent gotten into the PvP aspect of the game yet here, but have dabbled in it back on the Origin servers a few years back. The 30 second invulnerability is plenty of time for anyone to gather their stuff and recall out of an area(champ spawn areas excluded).
But if someone decides to rez and then stand there AFTER the "invul" timer has ran out is either stupid or stupid in my opinion. They have plenty of time to recall out of an area after gathering their stuff to re-dress and heal up.
So if the murdered player decides to stand there and run their mouth after the "invul" timer has ran out is their own stupidity and needs to accept it as that instead of ranting in public chat or PvP chat.

14 Posts
#15 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  September 30, 2013, 12:38:12 PM

I would like to discuss a trend that I have noticed lately and that I find disturbing.   It concerns the pvpers who spam public chat saying things such as "free 200k bank checks in Fel Destard dungeon", "free cookies in Fel Destard dungeon", etc.   Imo, this does not follow the pvp guidelines posted in the OP.  I refer specifically to this:

Always try to be fair and consider how you would feel if the situation was reversed. If someone complains or is not having fun, then the rule of thumb is you were probably violating a rule

Do not target young, new or inexperienced players. Lessons can be learned without ruining a player's experience on this shard. Please use some common sense and common courtesy.
Never bully a player or intentionally try to run off a player either by actions or words. If there is a legitimate problem with a player, please notify a GM and let us take care of the situation.

Indeed, who falls for that deathtrap except for the new players?  What good is for us to vote to get the shard to grow and to be more dynamic if on the other side, we have vets harrassing players in public chat and disapointing the few new players falling for their trap?  My suggestion would be that such messages be confined in the pvp chanel and that the pvp chanel be turned off by default on new accounts (need to be turned on if interested).

I would love to hear others point of view about this.  Thanks!

238 Posts
#16 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  September 30, 2013, 01:24:37 PM

"cookies at fel destard" or "free bank check at fel destard" is just a way to taunt players to come pvp, and isnt meant to be a deathtrap for new players. anything fel related is not meant for new players and really dont think id consider this breaking a pvp rule.

but your absolutely correct that it should be confined to pvp chat. sometimes people forget to use the pvp channel. almost always if you remind them to switch channels they will comply.

14 Posts
#17 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
11 years ago  September 30, 2013, 02:30:11 PM

Well, if it was in the pvp chat, I would not have posted about it.  I did ask someone earlier to use the pvp chat for this kind of message and all I can say is that it didn't happen :(

I would like to clarify the following:  I am not against pvp, far from that, I am against pvp phishing in public chat :)

1290 Posts
#18 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
9 years ago  December 28, 2015, 08:28:04 PM

“He was a killer, a thing that preyed, living on the things that lived, unaided, alone, by virtue of his own strength and prowess, surviving triumphantly in a hostile environment where only the strong survive.”
― Jack London, The Call of the Wild

Sounds like a good day of PvP!

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

3 Posts
#19 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
8 years ago  December 31, 2016, 09:18:54 PM

On the flip side, the insurance money is nice for reds especially, 30 seconds is more than enough time to use a runebook to sacred journey out, personal telly, or even just leave and use a corpse stone at Brit. The shard has done an excellent job of making rez kills non existent, if you stick around long enough to be killed again then you need to do your research and utilize the many tools we have available to escape the clutches of the enemy.

23 Posts
#20 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
8 years ago  January 02, 2017, 01:04:29 AM

yep. there are many macros and scripts out there that when you use your self res or you use an ankh you can run right to your corpse and it will start dressing you as soon as it recognizes your body there. Also, if there is immediate danger when you res you can always res and recall to say tram deciet and use the corpse stone there to get your body back.

Bad Juju
6 Posts
#21 Re :   Player vs Player Rules
7 years ago  November 27, 2017, 12:18:12 PM

I wanted to take a look around some of the Fel dungeons one day and came up with a plan. I made a brand new character and promptly jumped through the moongate to Fel Destard. As expected, as I stepped out of the gate I was met by two reds. I was immediately killed with one pain spike. I went on and explored the places I wanted to see in Fel. My point is this; The reds did not know if I was truly a new player or not that just made a mistake on the gate or didn't know better. I'm all for people being able to duel, guild wars, etc. that is just part of the game but this mentality of "I kill you because I  can" seems to show up some character (pun intended) flaws. Maybe some introspective and bigger picture than yourself thinking might be in order. To the people that say 30 seconds is way more than enough to recall out or whatever. Why, after defeating someone once why would you just keep killing them? Maybe I don't understand but if you killed and looted them once, what is in it for the second time other than cruelty? I obviously never played a red so I guess I just don't get it and that's ok.