Well, I keep killing my Evo Dragon and it says he suffered a 5% stat loss a few times. I've asked around and get a couple answers regarding if it permanent or not and how to reverse it. When I look at my stats, I cant tell what dropped. Yes, I looked on wiki and can't find anything on stat loss. Any help on clarifying stat loss (evo dragon) is greatly appreciated. TY!
When bonded pets die, they have a 25% chance to suffer a stat loss. There are 3 different things that could happen upon death:The pet's ability points could be halved upon death
The pets total exp could be halved upon death
The pet can suffer a 5% stat loss (strength, intelligence, dexterity).
Warning: Many of the Boss monsters have the ability to turn pets, make pets go wild and can cause stat loss...be careful! Animal Taming Guide You can repair some stats on a damaged pet, see the Animal Repair System