The ability to add stats unlocks at level 40. The idea is you get two level 30 pets, train them up fully and spend as many ability points as you can, then the children will be max level 32-34 (its a random bonus that is ((mother max level + fathers max level) /2) +1-3. Then when you get those babies (hopefully they have breeds, they sometimes come out sterile) then repeat the process. Eventually you will get a max level 40 pet that has breeds on it and probably maxed out stats (with the exception of Strength, Dex, and Intelligence) and then you level it to 40, dump all of the points into strength, Dex, and intelligence, breed these 40s together and you will eventually (hopefully) get a completely maxed out version of the pet you are training.
Pets cannot go over level 40 without pet level deeds, and all pets become sterile at either Level 41 or Generation 10. So be careful and start your breeding as high as possible.
I have not ever heard of Pet Slot deeds being rewarded via BODs. Your best bet would be to purchase them for other players or Staff.