Discussion in   General Discussions   started     9 years ago   January 02, 2016, 11:35:37 AM   by   Korndogg

Peerless Quest

26 Posts
Topic :   Peerless Quest
9 years ago  January 02, 2016, 11:35:37 AM

Afternoon everyone, I want to give my experience with this and maybe get some insight or pass the idea for some changes.

I love long quests with difficult mobs. This quest is just that. I, as someone who just dove into this, was able to find nearly every item, and obtain without very strong pets, it just takes time. However, im having issues with these items.

  • Jack Frost snowflake. I know before a revert, his drop rate was VERY low. In fact, Dante came in, killed him in front of me mult times, then I believe Kane or someone made an alteration. This was about 2 months ago maybe? Im not good with time. Since then, I check for him mult times daily and have only seen him 3 times. I kill him in my luck suit for a better drop chance and still nothing. Does Jack Frost drop the snowflake? Anyone have it for sale? Was he adjusted to drop this at a higher rate?
  • Dreadhorn items. Im fine with everything here, even his low drop rate. However, only issue I have is with Gnaw's low spawn rate. I think hes on a 1 or 2 hour timer, and doesnt drop his fang very often. With all the summoning items on a timer, it makes accessing dreadhorn very hard. I spent about 6 hours attempting yesterday and was lucky that a player traded me his fang for an exrtra brain i had. Can Ganws timer get shortened or his drop rate increase ?
  • Merektus. Maybe he is heavily camped, but only seen him 2 times in about 5 months of trying. Both times Ive killed, Ive never got his items. I did get a sick piece of yarn tho and a mallet/ chisel. Dont know what can be adjusted here if anything, again, maybe just heavily camped, but Ive had every item for about 5 months but his. Makes me think this quest will never end.
If anyone has any insight to this, any of the above items for sale, or if staff can check into to some of the things I mentioned it would be awesome. I want my evo ring, trying to propose to my wife again.

Thanks so much!!