Discussion in   General Discussions   started     10 years ago   June 08, 2014, 03:47:13 PM   by   Escobar

Only ED Auctions

115 Posts
Topic :   Only ED Auctions
10 years ago  June 08, 2014, 03:47:13 PM

Last Auction was ED only, the Gold and Token portion was left out. I understand the economy is full of ED and the goal is to deflate it, and therefore the ED portion of the auction is a priority.

Will the following 2 Auctions next week and the week after also be ED only?

Curious when the Gold and Token sections will return.
The auctions will return to normal soon, there are tons of EDs in the market due to the refunds.  The EDs need to be burned off asap and players have low gold atm.  We also have lots of players exploiting tokens atm and that issue will be fixed asap.  After the updates we will resume the normal auctions