Discussion in   General Discussions   started     9 years ago   January 20, 2016, 01:30:48 PM   by   intensifried

Need more advice. Getting discouraged fast.

55 Posts
Topic :   Need more advice. Getting discouraged fast.
9 years ago  January 20, 2016, 01:30:48 PM

So now im all GM/120d up. Mosty bone demon gear equipped. Very able to do most in game things besides alot of the custom stuff. Most custom mobs just kick my ass. all my stats are capped besides str and int, everything else is capped.

The custom mobs, in general are made for veterans and not for players that have only been here a month.  I know you are excited, but this is meant to be a long, enjoyable journey!

Im told I need socket my gear and get some parry augs. Ok. So I figure out where to get those items. Treasure maps seems like a decent method to get socket scrolls. But turns out you need high luck. Which I have 1000 which 800 of it is from donating... Turns out to be useless.

You can get sockets from tinkering bods, just takes time as a new player.  You don't need to go to the risky areas

Apparently I need upwards of 8000, which is totally obtainable sure.
Not true, but luck does give you more chances for better loot.

So what do I need to obtain that? Luck deeds. How do you obtain them? 100Eds or 10m Gold to buy from another player. So I dont want to donate anymore at the moment. Thats fine. So how do I come up with 10m gold for 100 luck?  There are many ways to farm gold, and many arty items in game with luck that you can obtain from quests and at auction

Do champ spawns they say.. Ok. Theres no champ spawns spawned and no way to spawn them. How do I do a champ?
We do new player champs daily, we do large champs at noon and 7pm daily and then 2 random town invasions that drop scrolls.  There is no pk at events so there is low risk.

Wait 50 HOURS to collect up 50 evo coins to pop ONE champ. Or wait hopefully catch one in 2-6 hours. ok. So you pay 50 evo coins or wait. Champ finally spawns, and someone comes and steals it. Now what? wait another 2-50 hours?
Sorry but that method sounds like ending up broke and pissed off.
Well remember this is a FREE reward just for being online:)

So what else.. Tmaps. ok. Do a Tmap.. less than 4k gold. Cool this will only take me 2,500+ Tmaps till I get 10m gold. Or I could sell the the cloth deeds which I also need to use to try and get + smithy gear/item id gear for sockets and augs. So again that method of trying to farm gold doesnt quite look good.  It seems slow in the beginning, but once you get the ability to champ and defeat the quests it gets easier, just takes more than a month...

Farm and sell resources.. Ok. What resources? Because as far as I can tell crafting seems about dead except for the few players with high enough crafting skills.

Sell Arties.. What arties? I have 1000 luck and have no idea what drops what, and I get squashed because I still dont have 200+ parry.
Speaking of arties, does anything drop in Gaunt besides spell scrolls?

Basically what im seeing is the end game coming down to luck which is ultimately obtained from donating(if you want high enough luck). I feel like theres a lockout there or something.

I have no problem investing time into something thats a viable option, but Im not going to farm something for days,weeks,or months on end. You guys know how riddled young people are with add/adhd, you really expect me to farm something for that long?

Everything is obtainable in game, sorry you feel it is too hard for you?  Donating is just an option to get things faster and support the shard, not a requirement

Now im not complaining or bitching or whatever. Just trying to express the way im thinking thats leading towards the discouragement here and hopefully get some advice because its hard to keep going once you're discouraged. So please dont attack me. I understand things take time, more risk more reward and all that good stuff.

Yes, there is no attack coming, just good advice.  UO Evolution not a sprint, it is a marathon of fun and enjoyment for years to come.  It is not meant to end, or be beat, it's a fun game, nice community and a lifestyle forever...

75 Posts
#1 Re :   Need more advice. Getting discouraged fast.
9 years ago  January 20, 2016, 05:03:54 PM

You can buy socket scrolls for 50ed by paging a gm or they may be in the moongate- socket display room's ed stones, same price and location for parry augments. Doing the champs in Malas / Ilshenar don't yield power-scrolls or skulls, but they do end up giving 200-500k per champ.

Find a few friends in the NEW guild and hunt those together, 2-3 should be good. The Felucca champs are heavily checked. I look for them every 30min to an hour and still will be late to a champ and end up leaving.

Dante and Domino do champ events daily but usually after 5pm server until late at night. The only way to make real money is to do trade with another player.

Treasure maps very rarely drop a socket scroll (same with MIBs) but even with as little as 1000 luck you should be able to pull up weapon level and magic cloth deeds from level three maps. Those maps should sell for 3-5k each and give me a deed every 3-4 maps. Selling them for a fair price of 70-75k a deed or weapon level gives you approximately 50-60k profit for maybe 7-10 minutes of hunting. Don't bother checking the items inside the chests, they are all trash.

If you have a reagent key, make a steam macro to loot only the regs to add to your key if you want. What I do is use my organizer macro to only pick out the two deed types, runics, and socket scroll (which can be inserted from the socket display room).

I also used to hunt the monster's in the Dread Horn area of the Mushroom Cave, Ilshenar. Cu sidhes drop level five treasure maps often relative to any other monster, and they also drop augments more than any other monster I've found, though it's still verrrry rare. Check that spawn once every 30 minutes or an hour, but do NOT use an area effect weapon. The satyrs there are BRUTAL and must be avoided at all costs. The spiders there also have dropped some 2, rarely 3 skill jewelry and if you get the right stats, with a full suit of fortune armor you have the off chance of getting a very valuable ring or bracelet. I did the cu sidhe spawn for a long time earning gold. Level five maps have stabled in the market at 100k per, and if less, should be bought quickly.

Set up a vendor at Thosar's Mall with Merlina Adams' help and sell your maps there!

There are some people currently getting into making bio pets, so hunting in Ilshenar dungeons for the bio engineers may be a decent way to earn some gold. If you find all the spawns, that should be 1000-1500 organics, which sell for 100g each (100k per 1,000) and they sometimes drop a single dna vial worth 150-175k (the vial sets are almost worthless).

Toxic elementals drop toxic runic hammers, which some players buy at 1-3k per charge. There's a spawn in the big building north of Compassion shrine, Ilshenar and Paraxymous' Palace. Be careful though, they will two shot you. It's best to run in, hit it, run out, wait for swing cool down, run back in, ect. I've made a lot of money and saved money earning valuable items doing the monthly quests.

Your first priority is to find a triple leech double axe with a spell weapon hit on it. Then put a 1h deed on it. Buy a mirror shield. Your armor should be antiquity gloves, tactical mask, and the rest astro demon.

Create a dress agent in UOSteam to switch to your fortune armor set for doing treasure maps. With that gear, you should be fine for about 1-2months while you earn enough gold to put +20 parry in augments and a shield of spikes rune on your mirror shield. From there, try to find people selling Kas armor, as it is the best armor for malee type fighting (mage armor if you're a caster). Keep putting parry augs on your gear and supplement your skill with parry clothing and +15 jewelry. You shouldn't have much trouble getting a +10 or higher parry ring/bracelet from the spiders in Mushroom Cave so you are looking at 140-150 parry right away if you have 120 parry from a scroll. That's plenty to solo champ spawns.

It's not much but it's what I did for months to get my character built. Like others have said, this isn't a sprint race, it's a marathon. If you want to complete the game fast, donate. I have only donated $10 and have earned my 36x36 house, 217 parry suit, perfect double axe, and sin shield. It's taken about 1600 hours of game play, but it's definitely doable.

Thank you very much for the detailed post!

55 Posts
#2 Re :   Need more advice. Getting discouraged fast.
9 years ago  January 20, 2016, 08:10:58 PM

Thanks to both of you for taking the time to read and reply.
Both of your replies help a bunch. I have followed most of the advice already from blackmamba and I have most of those items and such and thats where im stuck. But Blackmamba has given me an idea.  ;)

275 Posts
#3 Re :   Need more advice. Getting discouraged fast.
9 years ago  January 21, 2016, 01:20:42 AM

Also you could try the Stag Hunting, especially during the power hour, some of the items from it sell very well.

Buying and marking up items that were under priced is another method of making money via the vendors.  Especially the clothing deeds, you can find them very cheep at times.

180 Posts
#4 Re :   Need more advice. Getting discouraged fast.
9 years ago  January 22, 2016, 06:34:42 AM

Thunder's tricks to make gold:

Grab everything!  I am always amazed when I see corpses on the ground with gems and scrolls in them.  a Jeweler's Key and a Scribes tome are worth every gold you pay.  There are lots of gems and scrolls on treasure chests also (set an organizer in steam to collect them fast)

Resources:  when the server cam back up I spent two weeks recalling around gathering  plain boards, ingots and leather.  These will sell to folks who do BODs.   Mining is another solid method of getting gold.

DECO DECO DECO;  there are crazy people on this shard who love to deco (Shena);  deco sells.  Swamp & lava tiles always sell.  I would bet the items from the deco stone in gargoyle city would sell very well,  all it would take is time to gather the horns to trade in.

Lastly,  Team up with folks.  this will especially help in teaming up on things like the monthly quests.