Discussion in   General Discussions   started     3 years ago   June 03, 2021, 04:11:04 AM   by   clowncheeks

Is this shard a good fit for me? Thinking about joining...

2 Posts
Topic :   Is this shard a good fit for me? Thinking about joining...
3 years ago  June 03, 2021, 04:11:04 AM

I'll try to be brief and to the point. I've been playing t2a shards off and on since 2007. I love them so much but the lack of players has me looking to branch out. The main thing attracting me to this shard is the population. I'm not sure if my playstyle will be welcome and/or viable. So I'm hoping to get some insight here. Thanks.


I prefer t2a rules but I'm open to learning the huge quantity of new items/skills/etc that have been implemented in the last 20+ years. I think it could be fun!

I've always felt that the game is more fun in a pk zone, so when I'm on my T mapper, lockpick, or bard I'll be in felucca. I love the thrill of risk! I've read about this shard on the wiki and I see that there is only one pk zone, Felucca. I have no intention to enter into the other facets that limit or otherwise control pvp. So, How is the population of felucca? If I stay in felucca only, would I be missing out on PVM opportunities? I'd think that the pvm rewards should parallel the pvm risks, so I'd think the pvm loot would be higher in felucca and lower in trammel like facets since felucca has the additional risk of getting pked. But maybe I'm mistaken and that's just not the case here. Maybe there are juicy high end mobs in trammel like facets that outperform the rewards found in felucca zones. So is it bad if I only farm and play in felucca from a loot standpoint? Is the felucca facet populated?

Although I primarily like barding, idoc hunting, sailing, and lockpicking, sometimes I do enjoy a good pk session. I don't mean a duel. I like to surprise people from time to time, (and also vice versa, hence why I will only farm in felucca). I'm no pvp chad but I know the basics of t2a combat. Obviously the rules on this shard are so different from what I'm used to, I'll be a complete noob for a long time. However, I embrace new aspects of the game and look forward to learning them. So when I do learn them, I hope to do some pking. I read about the rules like "no res killing" and "let them fully recover before attacking again". That's fine, I wouldn't play any other way. But I also saw things mentioning that I can't pk at spawns? Am I missing something, or are pvmers in felucca really to be left alone in peace while they farm? 

I also read that if a player is not having fun because of, for example, me, then I'm probably violating some of the rules. The subjective nature of this rule concerns me. Yes, I like the thrill of getting away from a pk while farming. I enjoy the thought that a pk might come. But if I do get pked, and I don't get away, and I lose all my stuff, I'll be quite annoyed. I'd likely say that I wasn't having fun. Or even if I get away from the same pk 5 times in 30 minutes, I'd start to get annoyed. (I'm sure the PK would be annoyed too). I'm just worried about this rule. Do people often get banned or punished because someone says that they're not having fun? Some elaboration or context on this rule would be much appreciated.


Those are my main concerns. If these are OK, I'm sure I'll love it here. Just honest opinions are what I'm looking for here. 


Is this shard right for me? Should I start playing here?


Thanks everyone!


1292 Posts
#1 Re :   Is this shard a good fit for me? Thinking about joining...
3 years ago  June 04, 2021, 08:47:46 AM

You should just log in an experience this shard.  It is going to be way different than you remember.  The game has evolved and is much better than the original.  All aspects of the game have been improved.  No skill caps, so you can max every skill...and each skill now has a use.  

There are many facets to explore.  We do have pvp in Felucca and Hades facets.  Felucca is full of pvm content that is basically guarded by pvp action

We have added new content every Friday for 10 years...endless fun

Players are nice in general and will help you get started, but pvp is very different here.  We have custom gear, no templates, unlimited skills, pets etc, so every pvp encounter can be unpredictable depending on your style, gear and talent

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Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

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Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

1292 Posts
#2 Re :   Is this shard a good fit for me? Thinking about joining...
3 years ago  June 04, 2021, 08:48:54 AM

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Discord Channel Invite: http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

591 Posts
#3 Re :   Is this shard a good fit for me? Thinking about joining...
3 years ago  June 04, 2021, 09:19:37 AM

To me I say, each to their own.  If you are looking for 2007, I am sorry but that year has sailed a long time ago.  I am a firm believer that due to the amazing amount of third party tools that exist now compared to when UO orginally came out it would be impossible to "recapture that experience".  I would also like to correct a few assumptions, we currently have 2 PvP facets.. the other is Hades which is in Open Beta at the moment.  This is leading the way for a lot of test code that will be used to create a Factions Facet (Hades will remain a part of the shard).  Not everything exists on any specific facet so you, just like someone wanting only PvM will have to adventure to other facets if you wish to do certain things.   Also there is a difference from PvP and going out of your way to make their life miserable, we have a lot of people kill other players and never come close to the line there.. pretty simple and even then no one wakes up one day banned for it either.  Only way that happens is if a player expliots.

To me UOEvo isn't about 2007, it is about 2027.. Finding out what kind of new fun this game is able to bring.  Only you can say if that is right for you.


2 Posts
#4 Re :   Is this shard a good fit for me? Thinking about joining...
3 years ago  June 04, 2021, 08:18:33 PM

Great, thanks for the helpful replies. I'll give it a shot!