Discussion in   General Discussions   started     10 years ago   May 26, 2014, 08:11:39 PM   by   Crawford

Interview/ QnA

43 Posts
Topic :   Interview/ QnA
10 years ago  May 26, 2014, 08:11:39 PM

Once everything gets back in order and all is settled down, I will start this back up again.
I need to get a list of those that want to do the answering and some topics/questions the community would like to know more about.

First one I am looking at will be along the lines of pet leveling. Top five tamable? Where should points be spent? Clear idea of what each means (ie mana on a cu).

Please let me know and lets get some questions asked n answered.

43 Posts
#1 Re :   Interview/ QnA
10 years ago  June 02, 2014, 05:10:57 PM

Ok going to open this up to anyone that wants to cover this.

Setting up your loot bag step by step:

133 Posts
#2 Re :   Interview/ QnA
10 years ago  June 03, 2014, 03:37:44 AM

My Loot Bag Setup:

Firstly I use the setup on the loot bag and remove what I do not want.
Command: "[grab -t" - Target loot bag.
I remove jewellery, armour, weapons and any other heavy items and stuff I do not want. Or I just remove everything.

Then I go and take a trip round Shame and loot what I want like jewels, fertile dirt and a treasure map if one drops.
Then I go to a mage NPC and buy at least one of every reagent, magery and necro. I also got at least one of the following.
Gold - (When in a party the ledger does not auto loot gold. So having this is a good idea. Especially as gold has no weight.)

And anything else I wish to loot.
Now, I again use the command "[grab -t" - Target my loot bag. Once the gump appears I choose the add new item and go through all the items above and add them to my loot bag.

You can also go and stand in the museum and add all of the artifacts from there. You can also add quest items form quest castle.

Once these are done your [grab is now setup to loot what you want. I use UOSteam autoloot for normal farming, but high population areas such as champs and some dungeons [grab is very useful. Some good farming place are:

Doom Stadium Undead Champ - Good for [grab reagents and bandages.
Destard - If you train a few dragons/drakes at a time you can [grab them all after for gems

As of yet I do not know if you can or have tried to set it up to cut and loot leather from a corpse, I do this manually.

74 Posts
#3 Re :   Interview/ QnA
10 years ago  June 03, 2014, 08:57:09 AM

Great walkthrough!  Thank you!!  :)

I have a question though:  I see that you can set the loot bag, then set up UOSteam to loot for general farming.  How do you do that through Steam?  Will it override your loot bag? 

133 Posts
#4 Re :   Interview/ QnA
10 years ago  June 03, 2014, 09:55:13 AM

The UOSteam one is automatic, there are some tick boxes in the general tab to open new corpses within 2 tiles.
Then in the agents tab there is an auto loot.
Same setup, click the set container button and then select container, I just select the lootbag again. Then set item button and then click the items I want to loot, usually the same like gems, gold fertile dirt etc etc, I also add Arrows and Bolts to both Steam and the lootbag.

Steam auto opens and loots these items when you kill something, handy when you solo dungeons like I do in shame. No point spamming [grab everytime I kill a earth Ele, I just let Steam loot for me. When I am in a champ steam tries to loot but can't fast enough so I just shout [grab every now and again to clear the floor of corpses and carry on.

They don't really override or break each other, Steam is a 3rd party imitating drag and drop and [grab is a built in system on the shard.
The only issue I sometimes have if I am looting a lot with Steam is I can not move a stack of stuff to my bag of holding as I get a error I need to wait to perform another action. This is because Steam is imitating my dragging so I can not manually do it myself. But in this case I just shout [grab to clear the corpses Steam stops trying to loot so I can then drag my stack of reagents/bolts/arrows etc to my bag of holding to lighten the load and carry on.

I guess on another note if you want to be really hoarder like. You can set the Steam auto loot to your salvage bag or token bag and add all the salvageable items to be looted. Then you can earn extra tokens or recycle loot to materials. Although this will slow you down alot!

But this is a habit I have from every MMO. EVERYTHING sells. So loot everything. I am known for this and hoard masses of stuff. In every MMO I have played I loot a corpse dry, it all sells regardless how bad the item is. 1gold from selling a bad pair of gloves is 1gold more than you had before.

74 Posts
#5 Re :   Interview/ QnA
10 years ago  June 03, 2014, 12:31:54 PM

This is great info!!  I can't wait to get home and try this out.  :)  Thank you so much!

And yes, I sell TONS of stuff too... all the weapons and armor that I don't want is sold right to the blacksmith or armorer for instance.  :)

31 Posts
#6 Re :   Interview/ QnA
10 years ago  June 03, 2014, 01:01:48 PM

Just an add on... If you want to go deep with this you can also get easyuo and have a looter going to sort out good items. I keep a back pack in my main pack and have a looter going that only grabs items with +14 skill going. So if I run across a +14 or higher Eval ring it gets dropped in a separate bag and I don't lose it to a token bag.

1 Posts
#7 Re :   Interview/ QnA
10 years ago  June 04, 2014, 05:42:56 PM

I happen to have written a configurable jewelry looter for (Open)Easy UO.  It'll search every open corpse and take any matching items, which I think I have set to specific skills +10 or higher. 

Its up on my G-Drive, so just request access and your set if I ever get around to updating it.
