Many players each day, page the staff and complain about "losing" items. We DO NOT replace player items that just "disappear" Out server reports/logs all items that are removed or "lost".
I have only had 1 incident where it was a legitimate "missing item" was our fault, that we had to remove.
The fact is that out of the dozens of reports, 99% of the missing items were found or were lost due to human error.
Before you make a report to a gm, please check this list
Here are some of the common reasons I have seen for "lost" items in my investigations:
1. Misplaced the item, it turns up in another bag, bank or at your house. The item may be same color as another and blends in, or it may be under another item.
2. The item lost durability and was not repaired, it then "disappears" when it breaks
3. If you fight a monster that uses an acid attack, you may lose durability/item so beware!
4. Players can steal from you in Felucca!
5. Guildmates and Alliances can steal from each other anywhere
6. Some boss monsters can "eat" or unbond your pets, read the wiki for info!
7. You must feed your pets or they can go wild and be "lost" If you are missing a pet, check the stables, use [getpet and look at your control slot count. Also ask yourself did you bond your pet?
8. Lack of money to pay for the auto insurance
9. Overweight backpack causes items to drop out of your pack. This commonly happens when you are killed and your bag of holding dumps out to your main pack
10. Looted by a player or by certain monsters, they can "rummage through your pack" and steal items
11. Forgot to lock down/secure an item or chest in your house
12. Players stand around afk and get killed/looted
13. Did you drop your item into your trashbag?
14. Was your item cursed, it can be looted!
15. Did an item disappear due to a crash or revert? Sorry we cannot replace items if we had to revert back to an earlier save. If you get disconnected/crash, pets are usually found in the stable
16. Does anyone else have access to your acct? Does anyone else have access to your house? Many times a girlfriend, roomate, sibling etc took the item if your acct is not secure
17. If you "lend" an item to another player and they dont log back in, there is nothing a GM can do.
18. Make sure you always have gold in your bank, not a bank check. Insurance and vendors check the bank first for gold, then the gold ledger. If you are dead, and have no gold in the bank, this may set your items to not be insured
19. The gold ledger is a complicated script and has room for error upon instances of death, insurance and vendors. Only use 1 gold ledger! Only use 1 loot bag! If you try to use multiple items you may confuse/glitch the script
20. Add gold to your vendors, if they run out, they will leave and steal all your items
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