Discussion in   General Discussions   started     8 years ago   October 07, 2016, 01:40:47 AM   by   Deano

Idea for New Player Vendor System

5 Posts
Topic :   Idea for New Player Vendor System
8 years ago  October 07, 2016, 01:40:47 AM

 :) Hello Evolution, love you all.
I have been wanting to sell a lot of items I have collected over the years, with all the new additions to the shard many would be helpful to the newbies. The thing is the player vendor system is extremely slow and cumbersome to use. Object have to be placed and positioned 1 at a time, and pricing entered. I know it would be a huge undertaking to change it, but the payoffs in a thriving economy and appeal could be just as great. I wish there was a way to put items in vendor packs and then bring up a list that could be looked at that would then allow prices to be entered or changed. Also if a list could be displayed of vendor inventory, when shopping, it would greatly reduce the digging time to find something of interest. Just an idea and I admit I am not knowledgeable about how hard it would be, but I think the improvement it could bring would be huge for the shard. That's it. Once again love you all and have fun.

1290 Posts
#1 Re :   Idea for New Player Vendor System
8 years ago  October 07, 2016, 02:43:39 PM

The shopping and "digging" is part of the process of making a good economy.  You have to interact with other players and put time and effort in to get the best objects.  The list/market has never worked on any shard.  You just click a menu and get what you want, not very fun...

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

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730 Posts
#2 Re :   Idea for New Player Vendor System
8 years ago  October 07, 2016, 04:17:28 PM

  Now a word from the shards friendly on the scene reporter.

  Spoiler alert!

  I just sat down to do Q & A with Kane, and I asked him about this topic. Unfortunately your wish/request is not something Kane is interested in accomplishing, ever.

  The short answer: this kind of idea has been done before and it ruins shard economies; Kane, on the other hand, wants a balanced player run economy.
  For more detailed information as to why this idea gets a solid NO, check out an up and coming post I will be adding to the forums soon.



5 Posts
#3 Re :   Idea for New Player Vendor System
8 years ago  October 07, 2016, 09:22:08 PM

 :) Ok I wasn't suggesting a sell list or online search just an updated way to interface with player vendors making the process of restocking and pricing easier. Just an idea, but it works as is.

Mandy Bear
58 Posts
#4 Re :   Idea for New Player Vendor System
8 years ago  October 10, 2016, 08:11:41 PM

Actually, the system works well on OSI.  I think because there are so many vendors all over the world, some having only one or two vendors, it's a good system.  It encourages people to keep their vendors full and creates a good atmosphere of competition, and the little guy with the small shop has as much of a chance to show off his goods as do the big ones.  Here it may not work because people have their malls put on the public gate, (with the rule you must have a gate crystal for people to use and a few other rules). I have no objection to the rules and do like the convenience of a variety of choices on the public gate.

What I would suggest for the smaller shops you advertise your shop the old-fashioned way:  drop runes to your shop around the world with a bit of explanation on the rune about what you're offering.  People will pick them up and more than likely pay at least one visit to your shop to see what you're about. I do a lot of traveling around the world and DO mark out-of-the-way vendors, (meaning "not on the public gate"), but not everyone has time to do that. Drop a rune to let me know you're open for business.   :)

6 Posts
#5 Re :   Idea for New Player Vendor System
8 years ago  October 14, 2016, 07:38:36 AM

The shopping and "digging" is part of the process of making a good economy.  You have to interact with other players and put time and effort in to get the best objects.  The list/market has never worked on any shard.  You just click a menu and get what you want, not very fun...

I'm brazilian and start to play here 2 weeks ago, this vendor system is amazing... ISometimes I lost 1 hour look vendor-vendor searching for something and I find anther thing that is helpful for me...
