I believe you had a bad day, and the troll you found in world chat left a bad taste in your mouth.
As for Domino, she is a she; and since I was not in NEW chat when the two of you were, any further comments end there, with that situation.
I will say this, as the editor of the wiki, I apologize, in advance. I am planning on working on a better introduction to the server, for newer players, while I finish up on some (PVP) topics I have been working on, lately. Keep in mind, I have not held the Editor position long, and the Holidays just ended. It is a new year, and I plan to revive the wiki as best as I can.
Also, there are certainly times when I feel it is necessary that I hold my tongue when situations arise with staff, even more now that I feel I have more to lose--- being the editor of the Herald. But often times, in the days that follow, I realize I was just having a bad day; and no one was at fault. The staff are not gods--though some of us might pretend to worship them-- I know this to be true. I have chatted with several of them in Team-speak, and they seem to be your everyday good human beings. But let's remember, we are all human, which makes us all, at times, imperfect.
In some regards your proposal for an Evolution walk through, for new players, is a great idea. In other regards it is rudimentary at best. I ask you what is the point of having someone/thing play the game for you? Why do new players need to know everything the minute they stumble onto a classic-- or custom-- part of the game? Half the fun of playing UO is learning through practice/death. Ever die to a goat? I have, the first day I played UO; and because of that I will never forget how to change from peace into war mode. Sure, not everything has to be so dramatic, but what I got from your post was a little to much drama.
From my experience, when doing quests on UOE, you are pretty much on your own, with a little help from the Wiki. You can ask Hatchi how much fun it was to be the first to complete the newly revised 'Big Game Hunter' quest. He had to find everything out on his own, and though he might be willing to share how he did it, I would totally tell him to keep it to himself. You might ask me why, and I would say it is because of two factors. First, as he is the first to figure it all out, he should reap a little more reward from it, since everyone seems to camp everything here. The second factor is to allow others the thrill of the hunt as it were.
I guess what I am trying to say is, give us time. Allow another day to pass. You will make new friends along the way, and other members of NEW will log on, and perhaps have the answers you seek. And more importantly, you don't have to like the Staff, but by all means show them a little respect. What they do, makes the fun we have here, possible.
Please, raise your skill in: tact, patience, researching quests, and resistances to trollspeak. I know once I did, my days turned out to be good days. Send me a PM, if you have questions. When I have time, I will do my best to help out.
--Sturger, of Skara Brea; reporter at large, EVO-Herald--
P.S. 1 out of 50 of my ideas are often shot down... it's just the way it is. Nothing personal. Just don't get mad, or give up, eventually it will make sense to someone. (points at Kane)