Discussion in   General Discussions   started     8 years ago   January 02, 2017, 01:36:51 PM   by   dcosper

How it feels to be a new player here

6 Posts
Topic :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 02, 2017, 01:36:51 PM

Note before you read this from the Admin:

This guy came here on the shard with a huge attitude and the staff dealt with him politely on many occasions.  His rude behavior in chat and his initial contact with the staff was very negative. He made his character name "Skank" and the staff asked to change his name several times.  He also was harsh in chat and was warned many times to stop.

Well, i expect a lot of rudeness in response to this post, recently it seems the norm.

At no time during any of my observations or opinions is anything i say meant to be rude or disrespectful to anyone, staff or players.

The learning curve for new players is pretty tough here, you try to ask the players questions, and some are very helpful, but you have to weed through the comments telling you to go read the wiki, it seems some players believe it contains all the information needed to learn how to be a vet player, it does not.

FYI I asked you if you had read the wiki, new player information or joined the new player guild and you indicated that you "read the entire wiki", which you clearly did not after speaking with you.  The info you were seeking WAS clearly on the wiki.

Now i do not say the above to belittle all the hard work put into the wiki, i am simply saying it is fairly incomplete or downright wrong in some places, and as a new player, that makes it tough to understand and learn the custom systems in place.

FYI I did clealy explain to you that our wiki is mainly for the custom content and you could go look at www.uoguide.com for original game information and details on how to play the game

This ofc is not the end of the world, after reading the wiki i would then go into game and attempt to clarify what i did not fully understand on the wiki.

Here is an example of what i deal with when i do this.

Me: I just read online that Dragon Eggs can be tamed pets ? how do i hatch one ?

SmartAlexPlayer: Sit on it.

Me: Yeah i tried that, it just turned brown instead.

SmartAlexPlayer: Fry it.

Me: I would rather learn how to hatch it, does noone know ?

SmartAlexPlayer: I have been trying to tell you, you won't listen.

NicePlayer: She is just trolling you man, only one type of dragon egg you can actually hatch, you get this from the Wyrm Quest.

ME: Thankyou, not sure why some find it funny to troll new players who are attempting to learn the game.

SmartAlexPlayer: I attempted to tell you, just because you couldnt "get" it, doesnt mean i am trolling you.

This ended with me telling said player to find someone else to troll, as i am not one to be polite about it after a certain point.

So all of the above is actually the normal day to day BS a new player deals with, if you are in the NEW guild, answers from them are much more to the point, and accurate, but you cant get a answer always, so you end up asking global as well.

You seem to have very thin skin after dealing with you for 2 days.  You complained at least on 10 occasions over 2 days.  You have zero desire to listen to staff or players that have genuinely tried to help you and you attempt pick apart everything you deem "broken" with no mercy...just play the game and explore the shard, you have only been here for a few hours!

So this ends up leaving the new player with a bit of frustration about learning the aspects of the game, i mentioned this is the NEW guild channel this morning and also mentioned how i thought a good way to change this would be to have a item in a new players backpack, like the skillball, except it contains a list of tutorials / quests a new player needs to complete to get a better understanding of the custom systems, as well as a item or three when it is all complete, now this ball cant just have quests that say find 4 wool, it needs to walk the player through how to find the mobs / areas needed to learn the tasks the ball gives.

Domino saw this, and to me it seems as if she took offense, she then told the entire server how he wasn't interested in criticism from people who wont even offer a viable alternative, which i really did, so the rudeness is not just player based.

I reviewed the logs and you were extremely rude and abrasive in public chat!  You were complaining and players were defending the shard from all the attacks and Domino merely told you to stop, so the evidence points to you were the problem and are exaggerating this situation

I program in C#, i went and downloaded the new ServUO code, i looked through it all before i made my comment about the fix, are you guys interested in players opinions ? or should we all just shut up and worship you from afar ?

There was no issue or fix needed for anything!  You were talking in chat about how broken the shard was and how you can code it better...

I have to say from a personal standpoint, i had high hopes finding UO emulated, and because the web sites said you guys were #1 i came here, but this rudeness is a sure way to keep players from learning about the custom changes, and makes it quite frustrating when all i wanted was a nice place to escape from Real World Issues and enjoy myself.

We decided to ban your account for all of the negative behavior, the personal attacks on players and staff and all the negative posting here and on other websites and toplists.  This situation was already handled in a professional way, and you continued to escalate the situation and refused to change your name "Skank" to an appropriate name...it was determined that you are not a good fit on this shard and cannot get along with the community...good luck on your new shard, you are no longer welcome here

730 Posts
#1 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 02, 2017, 02:50:39 PM

   I believe you had a bad day, and the troll you found in world chat left a bad taste in your mouth.

  As for Domino, she is a she; and since I was not in NEW chat when the two of you were, any further comments end there, with that situation.

  I will say this, as the editor of the wiki, I apologize, in advance. I am planning on working on a better introduction to the server, for newer players, while I finish up on some (PVP) topics I have been working on, lately. Keep in mind, I have not held the Editor position long, and the Holidays just ended. It is a new year, and I plan to revive the wiki as best as I can.

  Also, there are certainly times when I feel it is necessary that I hold my tongue when situations arise with staff, even more now that I feel I have more to lose--- being the editor of the Herald. But often times, in the days that follow, I realize I was just having a bad day; and no one was at fault. The staff are not gods--though some of us might pretend to worship them-- I know this to be true. I have chatted with several of them in Team-speak, and they seem to be your everyday good human beings. But let's remember, we are all human, which makes us all, at times, imperfect.

   In some regards your proposal for an Evolution walk through, for new players, is a great idea. In other regards it is rudimentary at best. I ask you what is the point of having someone/thing play the game for you? Why do new players need to know everything the minute they stumble onto a classic-- or custom-- part of the game? Half the fun of playing UO is learning through practice/death. Ever die to a goat? I have, the first day I played UO; and because of that I will never forget how to change from peace into war mode. Sure, not everything has to be so dramatic, but what I got from your post was a little to much drama.

  From my experience, when doing quests on UOE, you are pretty much on your own, with a little help from the Wiki. You can ask Hatchi how much fun it was to be the first to complete the newly revised 'Big Game Hunter' quest. He had to find everything out on his own, and though he might be willing to share how he did it, I would totally tell him to keep it to himself. You might ask me why, and I would say it is because of two factors. First, as he is the first to figure it all out, he should reap a little more reward from it, since everyone seems to camp everything here. The second factor is to allow others the thrill of the hunt as it were.

  I guess what I am trying to say is, give us time. Allow another day to pass. You will make new friends along the way, and other members of NEW will log on, and perhaps have the answers you seek. And more importantly, you don't have to like the Staff, but by all means show them a little respect. What they do, makes the fun we have here, possible.

   Please, raise your skill in: tact, patience, researching quests, and resistances to trollspeak. I know once I did, my days turned out to be good days. Send me a PM, if you have questions. When I have time, I will do my best to help out.

   --Sturger, of Skara Brea; reporter at large, EVO-Herald--

   P.S. 1 out of 50 of my ideas are often shot down... it's just the way it is. Nothing personal. Just don't get mad, or give up, eventually it will make sense to someone.  (points at Kane)  8)



6 Posts
#2 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 02, 2017, 03:11:18 PM

Thankyou for a very polite answer.

My idea wasnt to allow a new player to learn everything in one day, as an example here are some of the things i still cannot find out,
Where to buy apples ? i always feed my fruit pets this delicacy, but the provisioner on your server does not sell them.

Also as a new player, there was no way to buy the mark/gate and other scrolls, your NPC's simply do not have them, so i spent the entire first day simply looking for where the NPC was that had this, if i had known this would be wasted time, i would have spent it elsewhere.

I ended up having to join new just to be able to have a full spellbook, but to be honest i would rather be guildless and not given the things that i should be able to do on my own, if the server wasnt customised in that area.

There are a number of things i can think of that have nothing to do with teaching the player everything, and everything to do with teaching the player the differences, if i want a apple ? where do i go, cant find this out in global chat, i do not get a straight answer.

you may disagree with what i propose, but it would have helped me understand what to do next, i just sit in front of brit bank waiting for someone to teach anything, if i ask to be taught, i get 4 rude people then one nice, if i make a suggestion i think may help i get people jumping on me as if i am just being rude and disrespectful.

So again, as a new player no longer interested in hearing the rudeness in game, i just sit and wait and do not speak, i find that sad its structured that way, and i see a few other posts of people who have had issues in the past as well, so know i am not alone

1290 Posts
#3 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 02, 2017, 03:58:34 PM

Ultima Online was never an easy game, it does have a huge learning curve
I would suggest reading www.uoguide.com for basic game information, then use our wiki for the custom details.

Once you log in you will find yourself at Britain Bank. Here you will find many players to interact with. There is also a moongate system to explore, which will allow you travel throughout the world.

There are many helpful Blue website stones near most of the new player areas. If you click the stone, it will load the wiki/website page with the information about the specific area
Make sure you explore the following areas on the "New Player Gates" on the moongate:

>Go to Britain Castle, there are lots of places to explore, buy skills and shop
>Go to the New player Dungeon and learn how to use your skills and equipment
>Go to the Training room to work up your skills and stats

Communicate with players using the chat system, use [c

After you learn the basic movements, know the commands and can communicate with other players you can start working on these tasks. This is a good list of goals to work on your first 2 weeks on the shard:

Read the wiki and forum
>Explore your surroundings
>Work on gaining skills
>Train in the new player's training room
>Visit the New Players Guild
>Work on increasing your stats
>Create macros and hotkeys
>Make friends
>Develop a strong pet
>Gather resources
>Complete a Quest
>Join a guild
>Complete Bulk Order Deeds (BODs)
>Make  a Runebook
>Buy your skills up to 30
>Locate the best hunting spots for your skill level


Good Luck, there are many nice people that can help you get started, you only met 3 out of 10,000 players:)

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

4 Posts
#4 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 02, 2017, 07:48:11 PM

When you asked about the dragon eggs, I was actually the second person to reply to you in chat and say "You can't hatch it, it's a quest item." So you had an answer before you are implying, not sure if you missed it. If you have any questions in game I am glad to help, pm me using [pm Dezzo. I am still fairly new as well and have had to weed through alot of info and overly playful people myself.

Best of luck,

166 Posts
#5 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 02, 2017, 07:53:40 PM

This guy clearly knows the basics about game play, knowing that apples are sold at the provisioner and how to make a runebook. 

Apples are purchased at the provisioner, but they are a common purchase, and may have been out of stock at the time(s) you checked.  Pear is a more uncommon pet food, and is both a healthy and nutritious alternative to the apple.  Those too are available at the provisioner, it can be noted that if the Tram store in Brit was sold out, you could check the Fel store in Brit with caution in mind.

You are correct in the thought that Gate and Recall scrolls are not provided by the mage shop.  I have no idea why this is the case, but it is, and I agree that it makes it more challenging for newer players to get established without a cheap and convenient method of travel.  The generic response would be "buy them from a player, or a player vendor", and those that would give you that advice do not understand how daunting of a task that would be for a new player...I feel yer pain.

I think staff has made a grave mistake in not hearing out your frustration.  You are a newer player, you are expressing your opinion, and I am sure your opinion is not unique to many new players (in fact, I know it isn't, it is echoed by many newer players I've talked to).  The wiki is a work in progress, and I will be the first to tell you that it is out of date, and has incorrect information, but people ARE working on it...if that helps at all.

As for the trolls.  Just remember their names.  That's really all you can do, and know not to listen to them in the future.

I understand your desire to be unguilded, I'm not in a guild myself, and prefer it that way, but staying in NEW is a good idea.  Many of the folks there are incredibly knowledgeable and helpful...and if they don't know, they will try to find someone who is.  Utilizing Team Speak, or the new program (Discord) is a good idea too.  It's always nice to have people who enjoy the game to talk to, and ask questions.

Good luck! 

6 Posts
#6 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 02, 2017, 08:01:17 PM

When you asked about the dragon eggs, I was actually the second person to reply to you in chat and say "You can't hatch it, it's a quest item." So you had an answer before you are implying, not sure if you missed it. If you have any questions in game I am glad to help, pm me using [pm Dezzo. I am still fairly new as well and have had to weed through alot of info and overly playful people myself.

Best of luck,

Yes i missed it, my eyes are bad, i have a hard time reading the text, thankyou for replying

6 Posts
#7 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 02, 2017, 08:10:33 PM

This guy clearly knows the basics about game play, knowing that apples are sold at the provisioner and how to make a runebook. 

Apples are purchased at the provisioner, but they are a common purchase, and may have been out of stock at the time(s) you checked.  Pear is a more uncommon pet food, and is both a healthy and nutritious alternative to the apple.  Those too are available at the provisioner, it can be noted that if the Tram store in Brit was sold out, you could check the Fel store in Brit with caution in mind.

You are correct in the thought that Gate and Recall scrolls are not provided by the mage shop.  I have no idea why this is the case, but it is, and I agree that it makes it more challenging for newer players to get established without a cheap and convenient method of travel.  The generic response would be "buy them from a player, or a player vendor", and those that would give you that advice do not understand how daunting of a task that would be for a new player...I feel yer pain.

I think staff has made a grave mistake in not hearing out your frustration.  You are a newer player, you are expressing your opinion, and I am sure your opinion is not unique to many new players (in fact, I know it isn't, it is echoed by many newer players I've talked to).  The wiki is a work in progress, and I will be the first to tell you that it is out of date, and has incorrect information, but people ARE working on it...if that helps at all.

As for the trolls.  Just remember their names.  That's really all you can do, and know not to listen to them in the future.

I understand your desire to be unguilded, I'm not in a guild myself, and prefer it that way, but staying in NEW is a good idea.  Many of the folks there are incredibly knowledgeable and helpful...and if they don't know, they will try to find someone who is.  Utilizing Team Speak, or the new program (Discord) is a good idea too.  It's always nice to have people who enjoy the game to talk to, and ask questions.

Good luck!

Thankyou for understanding, my main point was, there should be a AUTOMATED plan in effect that can help transition players new to shard and this shard specific changes, every game that comes out today has this feature, it is not designed to teach you everything about the game, but is designed to give you the basics of gameplay, as well as locations you can go for item A or mob B.

As it stands now players are told to read the wiki and get into NEW guild, took me 3 days to get into this guild, mainly because i work in the background and alt tab when i break to play the game and release the smoke from my poor brain.

But all others i see take at least a entire day of asking over general to get in.

So, why not skip that frustrating part, why not have a forced welcome quest on login that walks players through a few things, and ends in giving them a full spellbook, along the way makes them insure their equipment by default, among many other things.

Could simply be a ball like the skillball is, and the gump has each skill, click a skill get a welcome quest that is designed to teach the player how to benefit from that skill.

If you would like to attract more of a player base, and or keep the new players here, this really should be something looked in to, if something like this was in place, i would have had nothing but happy memories of this game up to this point, because when i wanted to learn about something, i got my trusty questball !!

Please excuse my spelling words are tiny

63 Posts
#8 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 02, 2017, 08:22:29 PM

It is regrettable that you had a negative experience in global chat, I have always felt that overall the playerbase here at Evo has been overwhelmingly friendly. At the end of the day you are still out here in cyberspace and the reality is that being anonymous online has always made people feel empowered to be huge turd nuggets. I too tried to stay unguilded when I first started here but the custom content that makes Evolution such an amazing place is also what makes it so hard to be new here. Which is the entire reason that the New guild exists and before you go hating Domino I feel inclined to tell you that she is one of the main reasons why New is even a guild to begin with. That was her baby before she became staff, and in many ways still sort of is I think. I have always found Domino(and other staff for that matter) welcoming to new ideas and questions. Don't judge off of one interaction. I am guilty of posting on these very pages a couple years ago when I was a noob how frustrated I was and I was so tired of hearing people say that at a certain point it becomes easy but you know what, they were right, and it does. Now that's not to say that it ever gets boring, Kane has done a fine job of seeing to the fact that veterans still pay their insurance money. I'm sure you're sick of useless platitudes but seriously, hang in there. I am positive that you will eventually find a crowd of wonderful players to fall in with like I did and IT WILL GET BETTER.

As far as offering ideas to staff for coding you will come to understand that there are so many custom scripts in play that adding one thing is never as easy as you might think. Kane is only one man(the other staff don't code) and his list is longer than any one person can manage. Try to have a little understanding for why your ideas don't show up in next week, or even next year's patch. If it is a good idea and is possible Kane will consider it and potentially add it to the list, he is in the suggestions thread all the time telling people that things have been put on his list.

6 Posts
#9 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 02, 2017, 08:50:34 PM

It is regrettable that you had a negative experience in global chat, I have always felt that overall the playerbase here at Evo has been overwhelmingly friendly. At the end of the day you are still out here in cyberspace and the reality is that being anonymous online has always made people feel empowered to be huge turd nuggets. I too tried to stay unguilded when I first started here but the custom content that makes Evolution such an amazing place is also what makes it so hard to be new here. Which is the entire reason that the New guild exists and before you go hating Domino I feel inclined to tell you that she is one of the main reasons why New is even a guild to begin with. That was her baby before she became staff, and in many ways still sort of is I think. I have always found Domino(and other staff for that matter) welcoming to new ideas and questions. Don't judge off of one interaction. I am guilty of posting on these very pages a couple years ago when I was a noob how frustrated I was and I was so tired of hearing people say that at a certain point it becomes easy but you know what, they were right, and it does. Now that's not to say that it ever gets boring, Kane has done a fine job of seeing to the fact that veterans still pay their insurance money. I'm sure you're sick of useless platitudes but seriously, hang in there. I am positive that you will eventually find a crowd of wonderful players to fall in with like I did and IT WILL GET BETTER.

As far as offering ideas to staff for coding you will come to understand that there are so many custom scripts in play that adding one thing is never as easy as you might think. Kane is only one man(the other staff don't code) and his list is longer than any one person can manage. Try to have a little understanding for why your ideas don't show up in next week, or even next year's patch. If it is a good idea and is possible Kane will consider it and potentially add it to the list, he is in the suggestions thread all the time telling people that things have been put on his list.

and before you go hating Domino

I promise i do not hate anybody, i am always one to apologize even if i feel i am not at fault.

As far as offering ideas to staff for coding you will come to understand that there are so many custom scripts in play that adding one thing is never as easy as you might think. Kane is only one man(the other staff don't code) and his list is longer than any one person can manage. Try to have a little understanding for why your ideas don't show up in next week, or even next year's patch

I agree, and understand more than you know, it instances such as this players may get motivated and write the entire thing for them, however this wont happen if the idea's are rudely dismissed off hand.

9 Posts
#10 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 03, 2017, 12:24:16 PM

I do feel your pain, I remember the first couple of years of playing (I only had limited playtime so wasn't able to explore as much as others) people would simply choose not to share any good information in chat (just got ignored or trollish answers) and there was no NEW guild. It took me like 2 years to even find out where to get Augments...

However things have changed a lot since then, we now have the very helpful NEW guild for newbies and it seems more helpful people on chat willing to help. There are still always going to be the trolls that arn't helpful though, but we have some very helpful players that always try to help & give advice such as Susro, LeoLeonardo, Sturger, Shena and lots more. But in my opinion it is much better now for a new player than it was back when I started.

If you need any help or advice or just arnt sure about something in the Wiki just PM me ingame: Senticore and I will try to help the best I can, im no expert and there are quite a few holes in my EVO knowledge but I will try

730 Posts
#11 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 03, 2017, 01:48:24 PM

 I am against a quest ball idea. Seems like its a lot of work for to little gained.  Especially when there are willing veteran players out there, with answers at hand--- or the willingness to find an answer. True, now a days most games have a tutorial, even the OSI/EA brand has its own tutorial these days. But just because EA jumps off a bridge, doesn't mean I have...

  However, I would like to hear ideas on a new player tour. The NEW guild members do a wonderful job of helping out newer players, and if they had a general script at hand, then perhaps players will have more fun and fewer questions that lack answers.

 The Wiki is only one avenue for discovery, and placing a well thought out script/walkthrough there might turn out to be to much work for to little gained. The simple reason is, this shard is always evolving, and people learn in different ways. Then there is this thing called cultural languages, and lost in translation factors. So you see...  (sighs)

 However, I do intend to write a short introduction about the ins and outs of being new, where to begin the adventure, how to make a little gold to start with, and possibly other topics which pertain mostly to a new players needs. But, it will be by default, or slightly vague. You see, NEW does a great job of helping out, and nothing can take away from handing someone a spell book before getting in to the basics of Magery. Reading about how Magery works, is a good start, but it skips the important part; putting skills-- like magery-- into practice.

  So from that stand point, is there anyone out there willing to help NEW, or myself, plan out a new player tour/script which covers several points of interest, and most importantly has additional answers for those who seek them. Even if all you have is a bad memory, or two--about when you were new-- and want to share it with me; this is what I'm looking for. If I don't know its broken, how can I know to fix it.

         My email is: Sturgersuocorner@gmail.com

 Also, look for this topic in the UOE Herald in the future. I plan to open a thread to garner information about the ins and outs of being new on Evolution. The plan is to cover as much as possible in a wiki page or two, to get new players started, and then count on the NEW guild to finish things up in the 45 days they a lot new members to wonder their ranks.

  --Sturger, of Skara Brea; reporter at large, EVO-Herald--

6 Posts
#12 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 03, 2017, 03:59:19 PM

Well, anything is better than nothing at this point, however i would like to point out that i program games, and i know of what i speak of about this issue, if you guys chose not to take my advice, that's your call, and honestly seeing as how i had to go through all this BS just to post about this one thing, i doubt i will be willing to waste my time in the future.

However at least you guys were polite about it, so i will just go back to game and not make suggestions such as this in the future, no disrespect intended, but what a way to turn attempting to share ideas into such a hassle :D

55 Posts
#13 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 04, 2017, 04:03:35 AM

First of all, I couldn't read all the messages. So, I am sorry if that's already being told.

I was there too when you asked about the dragon eggs and was kinda busy. Still, I don't think Alexis was trying to troll someone or anything else. As I know her personally too, I got it as a "joke", to be honest it did make me laugh too, nothing else. And there were other players like Dezzo, who is explaining you what the eggs for already.

Anyways, I just wanted to remember all, in the end that is just a game. You shouldn't take it that serious..

I have been here since July, I've been a NEW guild emmissary too, for 3 months and I, myself can tell you there are so MANY people trying to help each other or make it better for all of us, every day. No matter what happens individually or in public chat.

And I agree Zoltan, NEW guild is a very good opportunity for new players. Merlina as the guildmaster, emmissaries and of course Domino, deserves more respect.

I am not trying to be offensive, don't get me wrong please. I just wanted share my opinion too.

Good luck.

28 Posts
#14 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 04, 2017, 10:51:59 AM

If someone ask me show spawn or need info for quest or things i try get time help allways if i know.  Here are lot custom things and events i dont keep up all things :) if you have questions later you welcome pm me.. and here are many olders other players who helps new players ^^ i think admins have alot to do whit coding and running server .. and holidays times even more stressful i belive ^^  im sory that had bad start and people troll like that... they shod remeber self how dificult  its starting and learn custom server... there is no stypid questions here :)  So pm me if need help if you not find other player to ask allerdy :) *sorry my crappy enghliz* :)

591 Posts
#15 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 04, 2017, 11:04:39 AM

Lets start this off with something simple.. First I am hearing about the recall scrolls, could of said something to me after all I am the only one who codes here so whatever your issue with me is Norton might want to get over it.  Just don't post like staff never does anything around here to make this shard better because that is where I will draw the line and say something.

As far as being worshiped from afar, not where you got that from but I speak to just about every player will wants to talk to me.  If they have questions I answer them, you might not like the answer but I am willing to say it.  I am not perfect, I get things wrong but the difference between me and someone else is I don't give up and always working on making this shard better, 10 hours a day just about every day of the week.  The one thing about text one person may not mean to be offending but it is text and the attitude behind a comment or answer is sometimes lost, all sides need to understand that.  Case in point right now.. I am a little irked.. Can you tell?

I don't care if you know C#, downloaded ServUO (Which isn't what we use nor as custom as ours is).. just the fact you are a player here is all I need to know.. You see the game different then I do so that is why I always listen and take it into consideration when making any game world decisions.  We may not be perfect but maybe the difference here is we know it and simply are trying to do the best we can do..

Finally, you stated we are #1.. We are but it has nothing to do with the wiki, me, coding, staff or even a recall scroll on a vendor.. it is the over all player base is what makes us #1.  A few people in this thread seem to think only you are right and ever one else is wrong.. Maybe that is the first mistake?  Remember no one is perfect, 6 years and 500+ people playing.. we might be a fun place to play though.

166 Posts
#16 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 04, 2017, 12:16:49 PM

whatever your issue with me is Norton might want to get over it.

What is this referencing Kane?

20 Posts
#17 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 05, 2017, 09:10:22 AM

I actually find this post very offensive, not only does the staff work their butts off to help not just new players but all of us, new player guild staff is never ending busy helping new players.  As for myself and other not always even vets we help new players and that doesn't mean just new guild on a daily basis, so climb off your high horse as if you are the only one that helps because I can assure you that you def not the only person that helps new players, dif is we don't look back who we helped just moved on to help the next.  With the amount of new players we get some do fall through the cracks sure we all are human but we all try very hard that doesn't happen.

204 Posts
#18 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 05, 2017, 09:50:53 AM

Guys, just stop!

This thread is the perfect example of how/why things are misconstrued & blown out of proportion.   
Guys, just post Suggestions in the Suggestion section Bugs in the Bugs Section & Dev in the Development Section. Someone/Anyone with knowledge or the ability to do something about it can go & share or deal with the issues at hand.

Lets try to making the information as detailed as possible in all three , so there isnt any head scratching about what/where/when & 90% of this bickering will go away.

We need proper information distribution. If you put it in print, then everyone is on the same page & not bugging Kane every 3 seconds or asking or repeating the same thing every day, because Its been covered once. Written is the best form of information transfer & covers the masses more quickly & with less misinformation.

*goes back to eating lead paint chips*


204 Posts
#19 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 05, 2017, 11:09:35 AM

Opps, forgot the most important thing:

Be Polite to each other, if we treat each other with respect, life will be much smoother & more pleasant!



3 Posts
#20 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 05, 2017, 05:00:52 PM

So because I am the way I am, I have to add my two sense. At this point I will mention I am biased as Norton is one of my favorite dudes to enjoy Ultima as well as other games with. He has always been a good guy to me and other players for the time that I've been on Evo. That being said, I know a thing or two about giving recommendations to the GM's about content. Somethings are meant to pose a challenge such as travel, combat, and accumulating wealth. One of my favorite pieces from what seems like ages ago, was the Samurai Katana. I know it will never be in game again, for obvious reasons that Kane has discussed with me about. We all have ideas that we would like to see implemented, and I don't think Norton meant what he said as an attack, in fact I have a hard time seeing Norton express anything with any sort of passive aggressive inclination. Although I do understand the defensive reaction by Kane, its hard to create something EVERYONE likes, no matter how great of an impact it has on the gameplay or economy. In my opinion, we ALL need to stop reading more into words than there really is. We are all here out of love for a 20 year old game! Kane has done a great job on developing content, Dante has created a great home for all of us, Domino has made sure none of us do anything to make idiots out of our selves in Britannia, and the player base itself has constantly aided in our growth. Keep keeping on guys and enjoy the game for what it is.

1290 Posts
#21 Re :   How it feels to be a new player here
8 years ago  January 06, 2017, 08:39:25 PM

This guy ended up just being a troll and wasted all of our time over the past few days.  We assisted this player, posted solutions to his problems, gave him a tour, assigned him a helper, posted information and directed him to the info guides.

Every time we helped him he decided to make a negative post about the shard or staff...it just became apparent he was not a good fit for the community and we decided to ban him

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