Discussion in   General Discussions   started     8 years ago   March 02, 2016, 02:03:09 AM   by   Korndogg

hit points

26 Posts
Topic :   hit points
8 years ago  March 02, 2016, 02:03:09 AM


I have less hit points now than i did yesterday. I got the new arms from last months quest, as well as the 5th anniv talisman. So I had Dante reduce my strength and add to intel since I was so far over 150 that I thought I was wasting strength. Now I have 187 HP as opposed to what I think was 225hp.

Does base strength add HP and not bonus strength from gear? I figured as long as my gear bonus brought me to 150 I was fine. 156 with arcane bonus to account for curse reduction.

Also, side bonus, how do you get to 300 hp? socketing gear? I only have a total of 23 from gear. Seems impossible

Thank you
Korn of Skyhood

730 Posts
#1 Re :   hit points
8 years ago  March 02, 2016, 01:46:48 PM

 The answer is yes. Base Str [125] is what grants you a good chunk of your Hit points. [220]

  Again, yes. Your gear and sockets will get you to 300 hit points.

26 Posts
#2 Re :   hit points
8 years ago  March 02, 2016, 10:00:56 PM

Thank you very much, this helps. So, as a dexer and someone who primarily uses an axe or bow, sometimes pets, I dont need to stack Strength to be able to reallocate points to intel. I simply need enough solid gear with strength to get me to say, 160 to account for debuffs. I can then wear other gear to get say intel bonus or dex to get me to those caps.

I understand play-style and gear differ, but am i on the right track or thought process?

116 Posts
#3 Re :   hit points
8 years ago  March 03, 2016, 05:23:47 AM

Yes you are on the right track. Don't socket for str as you will have plenty with the right combination of "end game" gear. Best thing to do is to create some sort of spreadsheet with your gear and the totals so you can see where you need to set your stats. Most of us shooting for end game dexxer gear are somewhere around 125/90/135. This is just an example and not a set number of course since your gear might allow 135/80/135 or some other combination. Just remember that you get the most bang for your buck socketing for dex. Good luck!

- Reside