Hey Frank,
I appreciate the feedback, and I still have my own qualms with it, unfortunately this level of scripting is way beyond anything I am able to manage. Haha, I've already stared at it quite a bit.
First thing, the save didn't work for me at all at first either, then it suddenly did. Change the path in the script rather than the box in window and make sure case matches and try again? The save button will spawn a cmd window, then another, then another, then another, then it's all saved to file. Try experimenting with it as I've confirmed it functioning on Win7 x64. It just seems to be fickle. Maybe even try a reboot?
The words of power seem to be pretty easy to add to the filter, though I don't have a druid or cleric or any extra book to know the words, so I would accept tested submissions. If you add them I'll edit the OP.
Word wrap would be nice but that may not be possible as Torden said the windows EasyUO generate are very simple. Can't even have drag-to-resize. So just click the widen buttons and deal. lol
As for more filters... Honestly I'm too lost. All I can do is hack shit together. In the official thread in the source I posted there were some custom filters added and someone made a changed version (which wouldn't work for us) but other than that I dunno.
Really though... I think this may be the best we get unless we get a Programming Angel to clean it up for us... If you take a test of some of the other scripts where I linked you'll see just how good we got it, hahah. Please try
PS: I would like a scroll lock function like the journal.