Discussion in   General Discussions   started     11 years ago   September 02, 2013, 08:41:46 AM   by   Belgaron

donation confusion

73 Posts
Topic :   donation confusion
11 years ago  September 02, 2013, 08:41:46 AM

So I'm a little confused on some donation parts I would love cleared up.  Website is a little vague.
2 Houses Joined 100 ED
Additional Plot 500 ED
So a 4 plot 18x18 is 3 placed by me and 2 joined for 200ed , does the 500ed additional come joined or do I have to pay another 100ed? No the total to add the plot is 500ED no extra cost
Staff added Socket 50 ED (max 5 per item)
 Staff added Augments 50 ED
So Lets say my item is empty but I have the aug,  Is that 100ed or is the staff added aug what that covers? You can add the augments that you have collected with Item ID skill, if you buy an augment from a gm its 50ED, if a GM added a socket its 50ED

And I would love a working list of the item slots that "Can" Be slotted  =)
Armor and Weapons and jewelry can be slotted, see the wiki info.  There are a few exceptions, the Vampire robe was scripted as armor.  The mithril armor cant be socketed
Also I see some items in the museum that can be donated for but some I do not like the wizard sandals.  No idea what this item is?  If one could donate for them how much are they?  I see the wizard items (except sandals) on the 150$ donation reward list =) Yes they are a free bonus for the $150 level of donation
Also I hear of things that are NOT on the donation list that can be done with ED.  Give me an example?
If anyone has some info on what they got that would be grand.  I know you used to be able to dye your skin any color for 1ed  but I was told that one has to pick a "normal" color =(
Yes too may players were making the shard look strange with all the crazy body colors

238 Posts
#1 Re :   donation confusion
11 years ago  September 02, 2013, 11:28:03 AM

Staff can add a socket for 50 ed.

if you possess the augment you want already you can apply it yourself with no risk for free.

if you want the staff to supply an augment it cost 50 ed.

there is a stone you can use in lord british castle for purchasing augments with ED.

but i would honestly just farm them. not too hard in the right area with some luck gear.

73 Posts
#2 Re :   donation confusion
10 years ago  April 24, 2014, 03:56:23 PM

well as per sockets this is what I want to get sockets on but need to save the ed lol

Astro Demon / Vecna helm

Astro Demon Legs

Magi Arms

Magi Chest

Magi Robe

Magi Cloak


Earrings , Crystaline Ring , Grizzled Clasp , Pre Nurf Gen neck

Pharoh Sandles

Weapon , Mirror Shield

Flame Talisman

I don't see any Kat belts or Tangle socketed so im guessing they are clothing not armor.

Total = 15 
Empty Total for ed = 3750 ED
Total no augs + sockets = 7500ed

I hope that's right , im aiming for it in a months time , less the augs I may  loot =)

3 Posts
#3 Re :   donation confusion
10 years ago  May 12, 2014, 05:47:23 AM

or you can do blacksmith bods and get your socket deeds for free :)