Discussion in   General Discussions   started     8 years ago   February 22, 2016, 04:50:36 AM   by   Smilingdeath

DNA Strength rating for pets.

275 Posts
Topic :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 22, 2016, 04:50:36 AM

so far I have seen the following quality of the DNA Ratings for pets:

DNA Types:           

I would like to assume that this is the order of the quality of the ratings, but not certain yet.  I will try to do some testing to find out.  Perhaps a 1 slot of each quality and have them gain levels and list how many points per level they receive or something similar.

I do not know what effects the DNA rating to breeding there is, if it is the average of the parent (moved up or down on the scale).  If any of the players that do pet breeding have experimented with this yet, please post your finding here when you can.

Here is the info on the uo evolution wiki

bowl burner
11 Posts
#1 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 22, 2016, 06:30:48 PM

Although this isn't really helpful for figuring out the ratings, I also have a perfect dna strngth dragon and a bunch of capable rating pets.  No idea where capable fits in but i would guess perfect is tippy top.

730 Posts
#2 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 22, 2016, 06:55:36 PM

  If I had to wager I'd go like this, using both of your findings:


 ::Note:: I could place Capable after common, but its touch and go... might go either way depending on the use of the word. I feel that strong would be lesser to uncommon though.


  P.S.  speculation is fun...

275 Posts
#3 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 23, 2016, 12:00:33 AM

Starting to think there is some variance in the points the pets receive at each level.  Have not changed my stats in 3 levels for a pack of Frenzied Ostards.  All types of DNA strengths and none have received the same points at each level, so we are missing part of the equation.

730 Posts
#4 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 23, 2016, 07:14:38 PM

try to figure out if there is a minimum.  If not than there might just be a maximum built in for pets with better DNA types.

   Pretty much what I am trying to say is all DNA types might be on the same playing field when it comes to the worst possible results fro leveling up; but the better DNA types have the possibility for high end boosts.

   One of my pets-- which was DNA type capable-- received 50 sp for one level! While a pet with weak DNA received +20 +13 and +4 ?!!.

   Might just be random luck... never know with Legendary Grand Master Kane.


53 Posts
#5 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 23, 2016, 07:47:59 PM

  If I had to wager I'd go like this, using both of your findings:


 ::Note:: I could place Capable after common, but its touch and go... might go either way depending on the use of the word. I feel that strong would be lesser to uncommon though.


  P.S.  speculation is fun...

I just got a pet with DNA strength "Extraordinary" - no idea where that would fall into the scheme of things, except that it must surely fall beneath "Perfect"

730 Posts
#6 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 24, 2016, 02:53:01 PM

Might go before or after gifted... so yes: probably right before Perfect. That said I am leaning towards before gifted. This is all speculation. Every time I look at the list, I start changing my mind on positions just a little. Gifted might not be so high on the list...

   *Shrugs*  --Sturger--

bowl burner
11 Posts
#7 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 24, 2016, 04:57:05 PM

I don't know for sure but am leaning toward maybe different strengths have different bonuses.  Like gifted/extraordinary/perfect might be all on the same level but will receive different boosts as they are growing/breeding.  Just some more speculation.  Kane said he's gonna let the info out in a post some time soon so I'm trying to just wait it out.  As far as leveling the different strengths, it seems like i'll get 2 different amounts of AP/lvl.  So like each even level might grant 10 ap, then each odd level would give 6 ap.  Then it would change those numbers based on the dna level.  I didn't write anything down or track it really closely, that's just how it seems to me since i've been leveling a few different pets.  Back to trying to be patient  :)

53 Posts
#8 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 24, 2016, 07:08:05 PM

Another one for the list -

Today I got two pets with DNA strength "Unknown". They were a dog and a bird and just to confirm, I have tamed other dogs and birds that displayed the usual DNA strengths.

275 Posts
#9 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 24, 2016, 08:06:30 PM

Interesting to find some listed as Unknown.  Wonder if it may be a bug or it makes it a random one at some point.

34 Posts
#10 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 24, 2016, 10:19:24 PM

All my pets are unknown, they are all from before the updates made to breeding so I figured they were unknown due to that

730 Posts
#11 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 25, 2016, 03:17:30 PM

  My GF got an Exceptional DNA pet today... so that's a new one to me...

bowl burner
11 Posts
#12 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 25, 2016, 09:04:57 PM

So i was actually paying attention this time and i got a common reptalon 1>2, 5 ap and then a capable 1>2 got 14 ap.  Then common 2>3 got 12 ap (for a total of 17) and the capable from 2>3 got 17 ap (for a total of 31).  So, there is a very little bit of documented baseline.  I'm watching for different dna on new tames but am not gonna bother with weak and seem to get a lot of those.  The perfect dragon I have was getting a bunch of ap but was lvl 17/20 already when i found him and had ap leftover to spend.  Mostly i just didn't pay attention. Common got 6 more ap from 3>4 (total now 23).  Capable got 16 more ap from 3>4 (total now 47).  OK, capable from 4>5 only got 7 more ap (54 total) and the common from 4>5 got 7 more ap (30 total).  Gonna call that good on those 2 for now.  Common is kinda crappy but i will say, his wrestling was at 106.3 when i tamed him while the capable was only gm.  All other skills were low with a cap at gm for both.

275 Posts
#13 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 28, 2016, 01:12:21 AM

Finished leveling a friends Greater Dragon to 40. Weak DNA strength.  270 ability points.
His level 25/40 Greater Dragon has close to 300 ability points so far.

His taming and lore are about 40 and 50 points higher than mine.  We are going to see what using his base 120 taming/lore will result in for a pet as well probably starting tomorrow sometime.

730 Posts
#14 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 28, 2016, 08:48:35 AM

 Kane said he posted notes, or perhaps he plans on releasing the notes next Friday. Either way I'm not sure, since I have not run across the notes, yet. Anyone know where he posted them? My curiosity is killing me.  :o

  Thanks in advance.


275 Posts
#15 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 29, 2016, 02:35:41 PM

Until Kane posts the info I think the top 3 DNA Strength rating are Gifted, Exceptional, and Perfect.

Not certain yet on the difference between the gifted and exceptional ratings though, as far as which one will reward a player with more points per level on average.

Need to save money to buy ED to get a 6th pet slot so I can test all 3 with 2-slot pets or just 2 3-slot pets.

Still wondering if the high taming or higher lore will result in more points and if luck plays into it as well.  Are the points set at each level for each DNA Rating or do the have a range that they fall within for each level gained.

275 Posts
#16 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 29, 2016, 05:47:22 PM

Ok found that Kane had posted the updates to DNA Ratings.

DNA Strength Order:
Weak, Common, UnCommon, Capable, Gifted, Strong, Extraordinary, Perfect

Animal Lore, Animal Taming, and Vetinary skills add modifiers to the ability points gained per level.  So time to build a full on Taming suit it seems.  (Adds to the growing list)

I can see some massive pushing for pet wars if people jump into the taming, lore, and vet deeply.  Breeders should be good at it too, since they would all ready have the suit completed or mostly completed.

730 Posts
#17 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 29, 2016, 06:19:49 PM

  Might you share where this in formation is located? Since I fail, and haven't found it yet. it's on the wiki?


275 Posts
#18 Re :   DNA Strength rating for pets.
8 years ago  February 29, 2016, 06:42:04 PM

Feb 21st shard update, first entry.  He edited it on the 27th.  I didn't know he had posted it till I asked him in TS tonight about it.

Here is the link for it as well.
