Crown of ChampionsThe Crown of Champions is a rare artifact found on the corpse of the Harrower There are 3 types that can be found; the "Crown of Deadly Champions", "Crown of Fallen Champions", and "Crown of Merciless Champions"Harrower Boss Information>>> of Deadly Champions (base item starts with these stats)Dex Bonus 2Stamina Increase 2Stage 0/6[Ghost Champions Destroyed]Baracoon 0/6Lord Oaks 0/6Mephitis 0/6Niera 0/6Semidar 0/6Rikktor 0/6Crown of Fallen ChampionsStrength Bonus 2HP Increase 2Stage 0/6[Ghost Champions Destroyed]Baracoon 0/6Lord Oaks 0/6Mephitis 0/6Niera 0/6Semidar 0/6Rikktor 0/6Crown of Merciless ChampionsInt Bonus 2Mana Regen 2Stage 0/6[Ghost Champions Destroyed]Baracoon 0/6Lord Oaks 0/6Mephitis 0/6Niera 0/6Semidar 0/6Rikktor 0/6The crowns can increase in power by gaining points by killing the Ghost Champions that may spawn randomly after completing a regular Champion SpawnGhost Champion Description>>> the full description on the UO Evolution Wiki>>> Base Crown is available!
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