So a was reading a little far back n the chat log on discord and came across something that i have been coming across so much lately its alarming imo . Especially since i have voiced it ingame and pmed individuals to offer assistance & donations to help the new players . So i guess i will speak up about it in here since it seems very active as of now (and the chat logs are saved unlike the journal ingame blehh >.< ).Which was my plan until discord denied my wall '(. I personally am a true believer in the concept of "paying it forward" especially when it comes to assisting new players to the server . Because we have all been in the same shoes at one point and imo that helping hand will no doubt lead to more new players wanting to stick around and stay here on the server. In the last week n a half i would say i have assisted , give or take , around 7 new players who all were already in the NEW guild and had been givin the orientation i guess ill call it ( AGAIN THIS IS NOT A NEW BASHING POST I PROMISE !! <333). Not one of them had a triple champ axe or whirlwind type wep w/leeches . I get astro suits are maybe a little much to hand every new player , but when i started someone helped me with a set so the new ones i help i do the same . and just tell them all i ask in return is you pay it forward and help the next new person when you are able and so on n so forth . So when i try to lets say donate axes jewels tunics ect , and not in the mailbox seeing as its not gonna fit lol pleaseee ay least get back to me . I could have pmed other emissaries cause one might not be active or around , this was not the case though . I hope that everyone who is able can get on the pay it forward train and i know a ton of players who feel and act the same way , which is why this server kicks ass and im glad i found it . Im going to have someone with a smith set