Hello, so I was fortunate to score a nice Champ axe and have a question in regards to spending points. Im aware of the system, but since I plan on using this as a champ axe, or as a way to fight things like Dread Horn that spawn mobs, Id like some recommendations.
Current Stats: no points spent
damage inc 52
fireball 50
life leech 46
hit lower attack 46
hit lower defense 50
mana leech 46
stamina leech 50
As i see it, i get 500 points. I can put 250 into lightning, taking me to 50 and having 250 left. My questions regard the WW and area hits. If with every mob I hit, there is a % chance of procing an area hit, is 35% a safe number? if thats the case, I can finish off my axe with this:
10% poison + 2 socket aug of 25% poison
10% cold+ 2 socket aug of 25% cold
30% energy + 1 socket aug of 10% energy
^ those can be switched to find which "element" is best. I know not to use physical.
This would have my points and 5 socket scroll leaving me with:
lightning 50
hit poison area 35
hit cold area 35
hit energy area 40
If im hitting 4 mobs at a time, wouldnt math tell me that at 35% there would be a guarantee proc? I see some ppl with 50% and 70% area hits. Is that less of a champ axe and more of a single or double target weap to bring enemies in or kill as they flee?
I hope this isnt confusing and would love some direction. Even a simple, yes, do that. But if no, any advice would be great.
Thanks !
Korn of Skyhood