Discussion in   General Discussions   started     8 years ago   March 13, 2016, 10:06:54 AM   by   bowl burner

Bio pets

bowl burner
11 Posts
Topic :   Bio pets
8 years ago  March 13, 2016, 10:06:54 AM

I've been getting into these a little bit the last few days and am doing ok i think.  Still, it is a bit like feeling around in the dark in regards to what's good.  I only mean because I don't really knowhow I am making what I'm making and when I'm making it.  I would like to shine a little light as well.  There is a lot about 4-6k luck being needed to make bios.  This is not true.  With 12 vials I made a reptalon with amazing stats/hits/mana 120 poisoning and magery skill.  The downside is he is a 5 slot with lower stam and lowish dex and no counter/power.  Still a total beast, near donation level pets.  Next I made a royal with not as nice of stats, less hp but more mana/int and a higher dex/stam pool.  The royal is also only 4 slots and has counter poison strike and power move acid rain.  There was also a kirin that was my first and we'll just not talk about that 1.  It was a learning experience.  I collected the dna and made them all with 1700-2100 luck and to make 3 pets used about 25-30 vials.  The vial sets I just bought since they are 10-25k on vendors.  So, I just wonder if I am selling myself short with the luck i have or was I really really really rl lucky to get these results?  Or, am I totally on the wrong line here and my pets are garbage relative to what can be done with really high luck?  Just wanted to start a fresh thread on this and see what the word is on the streets.  Whatever info people have or opinions on bios or thoughts vs other pets are all welcome.  It seems like it's not a very big niche on this server but I have been enjoying getting into it.  It's a fun system to play around with and turning out to be another 1 of the nice little customs that makes this server awesome. 

Thanks, Bowl

75 Posts
#1 Re :   Bio pets
8 years ago  March 13, 2016, 03:10:50 PM

What gear do you wear when sampling the dna, and what gear do you wear when crafting the bio?

bowl burner
11 Posts
#2 Re :   Bio pets
8 years ago  March 13, 2016, 07:11:22 PM

It was just my normal gear.  130/130/134 taming/lore/vet.  Tinkering is just over gm.  Idk if the vet/lore is even relevant but I think those are the only skills that would affect it.  At first I was peacemaking to get samples but was dying a bunch during sampling anyway so didn't worry about boosting it.

bowl burner
11 Posts
#3 Re :   Bio pets
8 years ago  March 16, 2016, 05:12:41 AM

I made another reptalon and tried out a higher luck set this time.  I still wore the same gear for gathering the dna but when I went to assemble I put on a luck suit a little past 3600.  On my previous attempts I had gotten 12 and 13 boosts for assembly.  With higher luck I got 14.  could have just been a coincidence but I also had like 10/14 of the boosts were great successes.  Another little tidbit I figured out this time is there's a bugaboo with pet slots.  I had a really good prowess sample I used and before I called the pet, it showed 2100 hp in my bag.  After summoning, it went down to 1500 instantly.  I assume this is because I made it a 3 slot pet.  Everything else was pretty basic relative to the others.  Wrestling and tactics both started at 133 and he had a little magic resist.  Ana, pois, mage, EI and med were all at 0 but trained up to gm.  1500/658/1316 hits/stam/mana and 1597/396/1316 str/dex/int.  All physical dmg. which isn't that awesome and all 75s on resists.  It took some vials but I got blunt attack counter on this 1 too (I can see where trying to get the good mimic would consume more vials and require better luck than the rest of the process).  Hopefully this is helpful info.   :)

75 Posts
#4 Re :   Bio pets
8 years ago  March 16, 2016, 01:59:57 PM

From my experience I don't like having any special abilities on my bios. They are good for a burst dps fight, but once the stamina is drained, the pet hits very slow, so i prefer no specials to keep its swing speed up.

47 Posts
#5 Re :   Bio pets
8 years ago  March 19, 2016, 10:23:04 AM

Great info, I'm not a pet person but this kind of info out and about should help newer players reAlize that they can get awesome pets to do great challenges without a huge difficulty curb.