Discussion in   General Discussions   started     7 years ago   November 26, 2017, 04:20:48 PM   by   Ascheriit

Bio Pets

1 Posts
Topic :   Bio Pets
7 years ago  November 26, 2017, 04:20:48 PM

So I was just wondering if there were any plans in the future by the GM's to change or do something to bio pets. At least from my personal experience they are the only pet that I know of that run's out of stamina very quickly and they also can't be shrunk so it can be harder to use them. So taking one out hunting, if it has something like counter-healing, I can only use it for around 5-10 minutes before it is out of stamina and I can't really use it anymore for some time. Maybe I am doing something wrong with them that would fix this issue. I was also wondering what the reason was for disallowing human bio pets if possible?

Please and thanks, Ascheriit

Yes we have plans to improve the bio pet system.  We don't allow the use of the human pets, they are way over-powered and can wear gear, which make all the other pets worthless

Glad to know I am a huge fan of bio pets and would love to see them get some love.

Jolly Roger
7 Posts
#1 Re :   Bio Pets
7 years ago  November 27, 2017, 04:41:12 AM

A Squire would be fitting, level it just like a pet, bless the armor, leather no mods make it so it is fixed and can not be taken off, auto equip it when Resurrected. No different than a Cu really, Cross healing and the specials, or maybe the specials are random.....

 ::) Just dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,.................

Bad Juju
6 Posts
#2 Re :   Bio Pets
7 years ago  November 27, 2017, 11:02:10 AM

What might be cool and give more of a reason to develop crafting is to limit the gear a human bio could wear to player made leather (as Jolly Roger suggested) or something like that. That would give the economy another venue. The human bio could then just be limited in stats/skills to whatever the non human levels are but give the (limited) advantage of the player armor? We then would be able to sell to other players items beyond the double axe and bow. I'm sure its not that easy but in my mind right now it is. lol

7 Posts
#3 Re :   Bio Pets
7 years ago  November 30, 2017, 02:04:19 PM

^I like these ideas