Best items to collect to get the most luck
Updated April 2021
These are the top items for each slot, found in-game to maximize your luck. You can also add luck deeds and sockets to many items to increase your max luck
- Helm - Cap of Fortune +200>>>Leprechauns Lucky Hat +300>>>"Loyal to the Crown" reward range +300 to +500
- Neck - Gorget of Fortune +200>>>Mempho of Fortune +300>>> 7th Anniversary Necklace +200
- Chest - Heart of the Lion +95>>>Chest of Fortune +200
- Arms - Arms of Fortune +200
- Gloves - Gloves of Fortune +200>>>Blackrock Gloves +300>>>Gloves of the Shadows +725, "Sayla's Sticky Fingers" +725
- Legs - Legs of Fortune +200
- Boots - Mithril Sollerettes +200>>>Leprechaun Lucky Boots +300
- Robe - Mithril Dragon Robe +200>>>Dark Fathers Wrappings or Wizard Robe +300
- Cloak - Lady Luck Cloak +random>>>"Mother's Cloak" +100
- Earrings - Arriana's Earrings +100>>>Earrings of the Elements +95
- Bracelet - Bracelet of the Elements +125

- Ring - Ring of the elemantal lord +300>>>Warrior's Ring of Luck +500
- Shirt - Mithril Chaimail Shirt +200
- Tunic - Leprechaun Lucky Doublet +300 >>>"Luck of the Irish" Tunic has +500 Luck
- Waist - Belt of Fortune +200
- Outer Legs - Leprechaun Pants
- Shield - Apprentice Shield +15>>>Fever Fall +145
- Talisman - Lucky Charm +150>>>Talisman of Nature +200>>>Black Dragon Talisman +300>>>Talisman of the Spell +500>>>9th Anniversary gives +100 luck for every year you have played on the shard
Other Luck
- Ride a Luck Ethereal Mount with 1000 Luck added
- Carry a Pickaxe of the Ages with 1000 Luck
- 5th Anniversary Talisman - You can add up to 500 luck with deeds
- Evolutionary Scepter of the Arcane arts (9th Anniversary Rare Item) +1000
- Add Luck Sockets/Augments (Wyr Crystal +80, Radiant Wyr Crystal +200)
- Add Luck Deeds, 100, 300, 400, 500
- Add Luck from obtaining Leprechaun Gold and earning random luck deeds gambling at the Irish Tavern
- Add Luck with Talisman of Invidia +5% Luck
- Add Luck with Platinum Ring of Gifts +5% Luck
- Bushido Perfection Spell can give 1000 luck bonus
- 6 tier Huntsmen Quest Buff +250
- Obtain a Blarney Stone +100 buff
- Lady Luck gear ranges from about 50-150, random luck
- Lucky Irish Clothing +50 to +100
- Irish Mug consumable (Green Beer) +50 to +200 Luck bonus for 3 hours
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