Discussion in   General Discussions   started     7 years ago   September 06, 2017, 02:18:56 PM   by   Kane

Before this gets to far out of control....

591 Posts
Topic :   Before this gets to far out of control....
7 years ago  September 06, 2017, 02:18:56 PM

Understand something very simple.  No staff member will ever give a player permission to break any rule.  Period. 

If a player tells you this feel free to report the matter to staff.  We are the only people to enforce rules.  There is no grey area here, there is a reason staff do not play.. the perceptional of cheating.  So I take it extremely serious when someone breaks a rule (cheats) and uses any member of staff to enforce what they want (bully) other players into thinking it is permitted in any sense.

I would also like to stress something.. I do not apologize to cheaters.  EVER!!!!!  I ban them, pretty simple.  We currently have a few players on the shard who are starting to argue, debate and attempt to tell staff how this shard will be run.  Sorry, wrong shard.  If your goal was to come here to cause trouble or attempt to kill the growth of the shard..It will not be accepted like the last shard you killed.

I will be blunt, this morning someone used Dante and my name in a lie.. and I am pissed.  There goal was to justify breaking rules. 

Keep in mind.. this post can be ignored by 97% except for the fact if you are being a victim of this behavior... Take a screenshot or just let me know on Discord please.

1290 Posts
#1 Re :   Before this gets to far out of control....
7 years ago  September 06, 2017, 02:51:35 PM

Anonymity and in-game Admins

This is a quote from one of the original UO game designers

"The in-game admin faces a bizarre problem. He is exercising power that the ordinary virtual citizen cannot. And he is looked to in many ways to provide a certain atmosphere and level of civility in the environment. Yet the fact remains that no matter how scrupulously honest he is, no matter how just he shows himself to be, no matter how committed to the welfare of the virtual space he may prove himself, people will hate his guts. They will mistrust him precisely because he has power, and they can never know him. There will be false accusations galore, many insinuations of nefarious motives, and former friends will turn against him. It may be that the old saying about power and absolute power is just too ingrained in the psyche of most people"

The staff on UO Evolution is extremely nice and very professional, yet we do deal with this type of negative player behavior on a daily basis.

Please think before you post something negative, say something rude to a staff member or engage in destructive behavior...after all this is YOUR shard, try and make it a great place to enjoy!

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

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