Discussion in   General Discussions   started     7 years ago   June 06, 2017, 06:37:38 PM   by   Bezado

Artifacts and the Economy, perhaps a bandaid....

12 Posts
Topic :   Artifacts and the Economy, perhaps a bandaid....
7 years ago  June 06, 2017, 06:37:38 PM

I know staff has a lot on their plates but we need to work on the economy. I was thinking, perhaps to better improve things would it be a good idea if you created a new quest around getting rid of unwanted artifacts laying around?

We do have a new recipe system that will require many unused items.  We also have plans to add ways to remove unused items in unique ways, like sacrifice and items at an altar, use as ingredients or trade at a pawn shop.  Believe me we think about this daily and the economy is our #1 priority - Dante

What I had in mind, and it may improve the economy as players maybe wanting to buy artifacts again is to make a quest where you can get a super Artifact weapon or armor piece by having to collect all artifacts into a bag and turn in for a choice of weapon or armor super Artifact. There should be stages where you can get different quality types per how many artifacts you turn in. But you can not turn in same artifacts.

So basically if you wanted a nice artifact upgrade for tier 1 you would be required to turn in 10 artifacts (whatever it asks for) preferably since tier 1 it would be easier obtainable artifacts. Then tier 2 is better upgrade and so on until tier 6 which would be having to turn in all artifacts which are on display at the museum, only the ones located in the museum middle area not the side stuff. Once you collect the items for the quest tier it says you put into a special bag given to you to turn in or something.

This should boost artifact sales and improve the economy some what and help newer players.

730 Posts
#1 Re :   Artifacts and the Economy, perhaps a bandaid....
7 years ago  June 08, 2017, 03:07:04 PM

  Well said, and not a bad idea, Mr. Bezardo.

  Don't be discouraged. Keep the idea's coming. Just keep in mind that Staff has been listening/reviewing ideas for about 6 to 7 years now. Each one of them has a lengthy list of possibilities to bring to the UOE table. But as in life, everything takes time. The GM's, DEV Masters, and even Dante only have so many hours in the day.

   Also, +1 at Dante for tagging his red post. It was not needed, but it does help figure out who generated the thought.

   I like it. 8)


12 Posts
#2 Re :   Artifacts and the Economy, perhaps a bandaid....
7 years ago  June 10, 2017, 02:26:43 AM

Ty for pointing that out Dante, you guys are above and beyond the best staff and you sir Owner of any mmorpg emulator I have ever played, well done to you and staff. I post my ideas so perhaps it maybe good enough to help better the server, thanks for your time.