Regarding the fact that valuable items may be used to fill BODs by the script, I would suggest adding in lines to check if a item has insured or blessed properties. It is how I have my small bod filler set up. That is if you have not already implemented it.
waitforproperties 'found' 15000
if property 'Insured' 'found' == true or property 'Blessed' 'found' == true
sysmsg "Item is Blessed or Insured, Ignoring." 11
ignoreobject 'found'
if property 'Magical' 'found' == true
sysmsg "Magical clothing, ignoring." 11
ignoreobject 'found'
Now I wouldn't necessarily rely on this, it seems to work but that being said I still do my bod filling naked and with a pretty much empty pack. Also I'm not sure that the check for magical clothing will work because I don't think magical clothing has it as an actual property, it's just got Magical in the name of the item.