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UO Evolution - ULTIMA ONLINE Wiki of Wisdom

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UO Evolution - Custom Ultima Online Freeshard

"Welcome, traveler, to the world of Britannia! I am Lord British, sovereign of this realm. Here, thou shalt find adventure, danger, and glory beyond thy wildest dreams. But beware, for Britannia is a land of both light and darkness, where the choices thou makest shall shape thy destiny."

The Game has Evolved...UO Evolution!

What is Ultima Online?

Ultima Online (UO) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), released on September 24th, 1997, by Origin Systems, then Electronic Arts and now Broadsword. The game is played in a fantasy setting similar to the other Ultima games that preceded it.

Ultima Online was the game that opened the door for the creation of many new massively multiplayer games. It is online-only and played by thousands of users on various game servers, also known as shards. It remains today, as the longest living MMORPG to date with a still active playerbase.

Because it was released before the DMC Act (1998), technically minded users are able to create and host their own custom freeshards using various UO emulators, like RUNUO. Those people are able to modify and create custom content. Because of this, Freeshards have been growing and evolving since that time...and UO Evolution was born!

What is UO Evolution?

UOSA logo.jpg

UO Evolution Shard is a custom Free-to-Play(F2P) mmorpg game using the RunUO emulator version 2.1 svn core to create an original Ultima Online Shard. We have added all the UO Expansions up to the Stygian Abyss. Passionate Ultima Online developers have modified and improved the C+ scripts, game mechanics and graphics to create an entirely new virtual world for you to explore. You will enjoy all of the original gameplay, but over the years, amateur scriptors have written new content, systems and monsters to encounter. This new content makes the game fresh and current again, but still keeping all of the nostalgia alive!

UOE has added new content every Friday for the past 10 years and we truly have developed a one-of-kind shard. You will have endless fun with all of the new challenging content. You can follow our UOE Development Logs on the wiki

UO Evolution is the #1 custom freeshard since 2010 and has the largest player population The shard is also top ranked by over 10 freeshard toplists!

The staff and developers are all older, mature, adults that have a passion for this game and work hard to create the best Ultima Online Shard experience!

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change" -- Charles Darwin

UO Evolution Shard Facets

  • Trammel - No Player Killing (PK), Housing
  • Ilshenar - No PK, No Marks, No Housing
  • Malas - No PK, , Housing
  • Felucca - PVP and PK allowed, read the Rules, No marks, Housing
  • Tokuno Islands - No PK, Housing
  • Ter Mur/Underworld/Stygian Abyss - No PK, No Housing
  • Thyatis - Custom Facet, custom ruleset - NO PK, No Housing
  • Hades - PVP Faction Ruleset, No Housing

Server Info

RunUO 2.1 SA SVN

Host Address: and the Port is 2593

Discord Server:
Discord Invite Link

DEDICATED SERVER - Ultrafast Backbone with over 150 Gbit

Haswell Duel Hexa-core (24 Virtual Cores)
2 x Intel E5-2620 v3 Hexa-Core Haswell Xeon
2.4 ghz turbo hyperthreading to 2.7 ghz
960 GB SSD
100 TB Bandwidth


The UO Evolution Staff



+Dante - Owner/Admin

+Zoe - Admin/Host/Tours



+Archon - GM Events/Deco

Game Masters:

+Joker - GM Events
+Maxine - GM Events



Player Positions

Frontliner - NEW Player Guildmaster
Gormadoc - Orc RPG Player Guildmaster
New Player Guild - Player Ambassador

Scripting Contributions:

Sirmo Hex
James "Blues" Chapin

Wiki Contributions:

Art Contributions:

The staff ranks on UO Evolution

The Owner has complete control over the shard and has the final say over all decisions and staff members. The owner is responsible for keeping the shard balanced and fair for all players.

The Administrators have control over the shard and it's contents. They usually also have access to the server on which the shard is hosted, able to restart it or update the functionality of the shard. One of the Administrators is the Coordinating Administrator, that person is in charge of the shard and can make important decisions in the absence of the owner.

A seer is like being a Counselor before becoming an Admin. They have seniority above Game Masters and Counselors, and have some extra duties and abilities.

Game Master
A game master has all the tools for building the world, making all sorts of events. This is the basic level a staffer achieves after successfully completing their Counselor period.

The counselor position is given to beginner staff members who are still learning about the game itself, the basics of staffing or the particularities of our shard. Counselors have a small array of powers that they can use, they usually do smaller events, tour new players and help with easier issues. Counselors are not to be confused with Council members, which are players.

Event Coordinator
An event coordinator plans daily events and is involved with organizing the players. They are also responsible for Holiday Deco and themes each month.

Council Member
A council member is an active player that has demonstrated that they are a community leader. They are selected by the staff to speak for the community at town meetings and has a vast knowledge of gameplay on UO Evolution.

Requirements to become a Staff Member

Staff positions will be announced if there is an opening. Please do not ask in-game to be a staff member. Send a private message [pm to Dante with a list of qualifications to be considered.

Minimum requirements:

  • 21+ and Must be mature
  • Must read and know the wiki
  • Understand all the custom systems
  • 1+ years game experience required/more is preferred
  • 3 months of gameplay as a player on UO Evolution
  • 1 month on UO Evolution as a counselor to assess maturity, gametime, helpfulness and personality
  • Demonstrate Leadership abilities
  • Actively help new players get started, tours, group hunting, plan player run events
  • Must be able to follow directions
  • Previous GM experience is preferred
  • Scripting knowledge is a plus
  • Must download Teamspeak/Discord and have a microphone to communicate with staff members
  • Must be available 20+ hours a week

Learn the Admin Commands
Understand the World Commands
Read the Constructor Guide
Download the GM Software Tools
Staff Guide


UO Evolution Shard was founded on December 11th, 2010, by Dante. It became publicly accessible on April 15th, 2011.

UO Evolution Shard is a non-profit organization, directed by it's staff, supported by it's players and funded entirely by Donations

The "Owner" Dante is the staff member currently in charge

December 2010

Ultima Online Wiki