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Dreadhorn is the boss of Twisted Weald. This corrupted unicorn, like other Peerless bosses, drops a decent amount of gold and has the possibility of dropping good rare items. Other notable drops include:

  • Pristine Dread Horn - Decorative
  • Mangled Head of Dread Horn - Decorative
  • Tainted Mushroom - Decorative
  • Horn of Dread Horn - Decorative
  • Dread Horn Mane - Decorative
  • Dread Flute - 700 Charge Flute
  • Dread's Revenge - A Kryss


Dreadhorn Lore

Once upon a time, in the land of Ilshenar, there lived a beautiful unicorn named Dawn. She roamed the forest glen, surrounded by the mountains, and brought joy and peace to all the creatures that lived there. But one day, a dark force entered the forest, poisoning it and turning it into a twisted and corrupted wasteland. Dawn, who had been grazing near the source of the corruption, was also affected by the poison. Her once white and shining coat became grey and her horn became twisted. She was no longer the peaceful creature she once was, but a fierce and powerful monster, known as the Dread Horn.

The Dread Horn had a fierce temper and a hunger for destruction. It roamed the twisted forest, attacking any creature or adventurer that dared to enter its territory. The locals had long heard of its existence, but none had ever seen it or lived to tell the tale.

One day, a group of adventurers, seeking fame and fortune, decided to take on the challenge of defeating the Dread Horn. They had heard rumors of a great treasure hidden in the twisted forest, and they were determined to find it. They prepared for battle, armed with the best weapons and armor they could find. As they entered the twisted forest, they were greeted with a sight of twisted trees, thorny bushes, and giant spider webs. The twisted forest was a dangerous place, and they knew they had to be careful. But they pressed on, determined to reach the Dread Horn's lair. As they neared the lair, they found themselves surrounded by the Dread Horn's minions, giant spiders, and other twisted creatures. The battle was fierce, but the adventurers fought bravely, and soon they had defeated the minions and reached the lair.

They found the Dread Horn waiting for them, a twisted and corrupted version of the once beautiful unicorn. The Dread Horn was a fierce opponent, using its Whirlwind Attack, Mortal Strike, and Armor Pierce abilities to devastating effect. But the adventurers were prepared, and they fought back with all their might. The battle was long and grueling, but in the end, the adventurers emerged victorious. They had defeated the Dread Horn and restored the twisted forest to its former beauty. The twisted trees and thorny bushes were gone, replaced by lush green forests and sparkling streams.

The Dread Horn was no more, and the land was at peace once again. And the adventurers were hailed as heroes, for they had saved the day and proved that even the most twisted of monsters could be defeated. They also found the treasure they were seeking, a chest filled with gold and precious gems.

The legend of the Dread Horn lives on, as a reminder of the dangers that lurk in the twisted forest, and of the brave adventurers who dared to take on the challenge and emerged victorious.


Dreadhorn is a corrupted unicorn that hits about as hard as a Balron but has a huge amount of hitpoints. Don't forget to bring a decent amount of bandages.

While it doesn't cast magic, Dreadhorn can use the Whirlwind Attack, Mortal Strike, and Armor Pierce abilities. Be aware that with its great strength, these attacks can be lethal even when well armored.

Dreadhorn, while having around 50k HP, is a fairly routine fight if you are comfortable having your pets tank while you heal them/shoot Dreadhorn from afar. Be wary of his area damage.
